deities associated with tarot cards minor arcana

Fire can also burn earth down, but it renews and refreshes earths fertility anew. Every one of these suits contains 14 cards: 10 numbered cards, and four cards called "court cards" that include the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The remaining cards in the deck are known by occultists as the Minor Arcana. The King of Pentacles Tarot Card Metaphysical Correspondences: Element: Earth Zodiac Signs: Capricorn Healing Crystals: Amethyst, Bloodstone. 2 Tarot Cards: How to Read the Major and Minor Arcana; 3 Deities associated with the tarot cards; 4 Deities and their Tarot Cards (Long Post) 5 Deity Tarot Spread with 7 Cards: Identify a God or Goddess; 6 A List of 5 Deities Associated with Tarot Cards [With Stories] 7 Major Arcana and the Gods and Goddesses - The Tarot Root Air unleashed can be unstable and disconnected from reality. Like a playing card deck, the Minor Arcana is divided into four suits: 1. Before we get into understanding the planet symbol . Judgement is the twenty first card in the Tarot Deck. While the other cards -- the Major Arcana cards -- represent long-term situations you may experience, the Minor Arcana cards address what's happening in your daily life -- the small wins, struggles, interactions, and thoughts that you face regularly. Motivated by the power of wands, a person gains the energy to seek truth or go on a journey. Two wrongs don't make a right, it usually tkes three or four. These cards deal with phenomena of the mundane physical world of mortals. They indicate initiative, drive, potential, and the earliest stages of an endeavor. Were going to assume here that you have an intermediate understanding of both astrology and tarot. They can provide insight into past situations, and help advise the decisions you need to make now to influence your future. Cups (hearts in a playing card deck): affairs of the heart, emotions, intuition. This article is meant to briefly cover the connection between astrology and tarot in the Minor Arcana only. They go in sequence, starting from Aries (the first zodiac sign of the year, since in astrology, the year starts with the Spring Equinox) and ending in Pisces. In a Tarot reading, a Minor Arcana card will show you what's happening in your daily life and how it is affecting you. Because Taurus is the associated animal with this card, then it is not a surprise that the bull would be the animal that is associated as well. To focus on that particular form that the divine can take can not only be of great help but also a tremendous source of inspiration and transformation. A wand is used in casting magical spells, and in order to cast a spell, it is important for the magician to be confident. These practical cards represent the interactions, experiences, thoughts and emotions you encounter as you go about your life. Theres the sense that much beauty, intuition and creativity is in this world, but inability to make any changes in reality. Extremely powerful drive. These cards indicate conflict, loss, and other negative experiences in your life that must be overcome. Thoughts and ideas are being propelled forward with fires inspiration, lighting a spark that leads to creative action. This card differentiates from the other 13 cards in its suit by exhibiting its unique tendency towards Air or the mental and intellectual realms.**. Twos can symbolize the beauty of relationships, duality and opposition, or even the potential for creation. A key concept when working with the tarot will be something called the Chaldean Order, where each of these 7 planetary bodies are arranged based on their relative geocentric orbital period, or in other words, their speed of movement based on our perspective from earth. One cause of such imbalance could be overwhelming focus on mind. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. Peace and satisfaction are suggested by this combination. Each zodiac sign controls 30 degrees of the wheel. First Quarter 18 Jun 04:54 The Suit of Pentacles represents your finances, work and . Insightful Vision 2009 Privacy Policy | Ternms of use There are four different card suits that make up the Minor Arcana: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. The Fool. > When particles are heated up, they expand, so the wand-fire symbol means expansion and growth. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. EXPLORE TAROT.COM previous series on the Tree of Life and Tarot, you can read a bit more about both astrology. the Zodiac and some of the Major Arcana cards. Threes are about communication and interactions. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. As above so below, as within so without. There are two kinds of arcana which are divided as per their workings. Two of Swords The Two of Swords represents detached decision-making. According to Celtic mythology, there is an Irish god of the sun, named Lugh, who holds a lance; a few historians surmise that the link between wands and fire is Lugh. The Chariot: Thor, The Morrigan, Nike, Athena, Astarte, Inanna, Ishtar, Anat, Freya, Bast, Durga, Odin, Horus, Sobek, Ares, Apollo, Set, Bellona, Justice: Lugh, Aengus Og, The Morrigan, Nemesis, Inanna, Themis, Maat, Nike, Athena, Zeus, Forseti, Strength: Thor, Hestia, Athena, Sekhmet, Bast, Macha, Brigid, Danu, Isis, The Virgin Mary, Bast, Sekhmet, The Dagda, Lugh, The Hermit: Odin, Isis, Hestia, Persephone, Hades, Hekate, Cerridwen, Brigid, The Muses, Saraswati, Hermes, Ogma, Odin, Wheel of Fortune: Zeus, Hathor, Isis, The Dagda, The Moirai, Maat, Arianhrod, The Hanged Man: Odin, Artemis, Osiris, Persephone, Inanna, Ishtar, Buddha, Jesus, Death: Persephone, Inanna, Ereshkigal, Isis, Nephtys, Izanami, Hel, Freya, Hades, Seth, Anubis, Osiris, Manannan Mac Lir, Odin, Thanatos, The Morrigan, Morana, Temperance: Artemis, Isis, Nepthys, Iris, Maat, Hebe, Apollo, Vishnu, The Devil: Dionysus, Pan, Set, Lilith, The Morrigan, Banshees, Baba Yaga, Lucifer, Baphomet, Satan, Veles, The Horned God, The Tower: Kali, Ares, Pele, Sekhmet, Hel, The Morrigan, Sedna, Anat, Ceres, Chernobog, Shiva, The Star: Aphrodite, Thoth, Hermes, Ishtar, Astrea, Isis, Arianhrod, The Virgin Mary, Inanna, Nuit, Isis, Nodens, Zorya, The Moon: Artemis, Hekate, Rhiannon, Cerridwen, Selene, Isis, Phoebe, Mani, Thoth, Arianhrod, Tsukiyomi, Chang-e, The Sun: Lugh, Apollo, Kupala, Helios, Brigid, Sol, Artemis, Athena, Aine, Bast, Sekhmet, Freyr, Horus, Aten, Ra, Agni, Judgement: Persephone, Maat, Osiris, Hephaestus, Isis, Kuan Yin, Horus, Hades, The World: Aengus Og, Demeter, The Dagda, Isis, Gaia, Cernunnos, Green Man, Suit of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Hades, Odin, Athena, Hel, Suit of Wands: Lugh, Hephaestus, Ares, Bellona, Pele, Aine, Brigid, Apollo, Suit of Pentacles: Gaia, Demeter, Macha, Freyr, Suit of Cups: Poseidon, Aphrodite, Isis, Boann, Hera, Hathor, King of Pentacles: The Horned God, Freyr, Pan, Cernunnos, The Dagda, King of Cups: Lugh, Poseidon, Manannan Mac Lir, Njord, Apollo, King of Swords: Odin, Tyr, Zeus, Hermes, Horus, King of Wands: Ares, The Dagda, Zeus, Apollo, Queen of Pentacles: Hekate, Gaia, Eostre, Aine, Artemis, Ceres, Demeter, Queen of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Athena, Themis, Queen of Wands: Brigid, Hestia, Bellona, Aine, Knight of Pentacles: Athena, Athena, Macha, Persephone, Lugh, Artemis, Demeter, Ceres, Knight of Cups: Aphrodite, Boann, Isis, Hathor, Knight of Swords: Badb, The Morrigan, Athena, Hermes, Nemain, Knight of Wands: Apollo, Brigid, Bellona, Lugh, Page of Pentacles: Athena, Apollo, Lugh, Pan, The Muses, Hathor, Page of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Odin, Athena, Nike, Bellona, Page of Wands: Artemis, Apollo, Brigid, Athena. Theres the potential for a lot of confusion and pain when we try to reason through our sometimes irrational feelings. These cards often advise you to seek the help of a wiser, more experienced person. The suit of wands is one of the four suits within the tarot deck. These cards tell you that the only way to get where you want to be is to change what you're doing right now. Lets move to another example. Lets start by looking at the Zodiac Wheel. Waters calming emotional energy is broken by the urgency of fire. In addition to its philosophical and divinatory uses, Tarot is also used as an aid to meditation. Across tarot decks, wands are also drawn as batons, rods, cudgels, pillars, or even polo sticks, and many associate wands with fire. The 22 major arcana cards are supposed to depict a journey through one's life, which originates with the Fool card and ends with a card called The World. Tarot decks are made up of 78 cards, and 22 of those are known as the Major Arcana, which represent deeper and more overarching themes in our lives. You know where you're going, and the Knights tell you it's time to set your wheels in motion. There are four different card suits that make up the Minor Arcana: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. The terms "Major" and "Minor Arcana" originate with Jean-Baptiste Pitois (18111877), writing under the name Paul Christian. The heart is a muscle that keeps time and rhythm; between beats there are moments of near-death, and so it is that fire navigates both extremes. This could lead to feelings of bewilderment, lack of radiance, somberness and gravity, depression, inability to express oneself, inhibitedness, poor memory, general weakness, and exhausted spirit. Putting it all together, youll see a pattern emerge; weaving together elements, qualities and zodiac signs to form a picture of the whole year and the entire zodiac wheel. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Some who exhibit a wand-fire imbalance might feel averse to heat or fearful of true expression. Additionally, the wand or rod represents the classical Cardinal Virtue of fortitude. As such, the cup cards tend to show the state of our emotions and how we relate to ourselves, as well as to the people and the world outside of us. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. Supportive combination where earth gives some shape and foundation for waters meandering ways. For example, a magician might begin by calling on the power of muses or gods, or by boasting. The 78 cards that comprise a tarot deck are divided into two groups: major arcana and minor arcana. All but two of the images in this post show cards from my Motherpeace tarot deck. Airs intellect and quick thinking can support fires goals, pushing it forward quickly. Though there is much more to read, for the sake of consistency and quality reference, I chose Wikipedia, which often will offer you correspondences in other traditions, which can help you if you don't relate to the tradition from which the deity has been selected here in this article. According to Celtic mythology, there is an Irish god of the sun, named Lugh, who holds a lance; a few historians surmise that the link between wands and fire is Lugh. Ordinary tarot cards first appeared in northern Italy in the 1440s and were designed for tarot card games. They indicate the influence that others have over your life, work, and emotions. Can be presented as a stubborn obstacle, like a mountain, or an anchor that can both steady you and restrict you. And because were looking at the King, these characteristics are tinged with the Kings personification of the mental realms and the qualities associated with Air. Understanding the Chaldean Order will be the basis for how we begin to create correspondences between the Minor Arcana and astrology. Sign up to get the link! Across tarot decks, wands are also drawn as batons, rods, cudgels, pillars, or even polo sticks, and many associate wands with fire. They can tell you when conflict and heartache are looming, and help you harness the strength of your own mind.Learn more about the Swords cards with our FULLY revamped Tarot cards pages , The Pentacles Tarot cards are associated with your work and finances. The first two arcanas within the Tarot deck cannot be found at the fifth position of any Path of Life sequence. The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience on a daily basis. This card appears in a reading when it is time to decide, think outside the box, or use logic to address a relationship or situation. Or can't find what youre looking for? Court CardsPrincess of WandsEarth of Fire, passionate young womanKnight of WandsLeo, passionate idealistic young mannQueen of WandsSagittarius, fiery womanKing of WandsAries, older, aggressive manPrincess of SwordsEarth of Air, scheming young womanKnight of SwordsAquarius, analytical thoughtful young manQueen of SwordsGemini, artistic, graceful, vengeful womanKing of SwordsLibra, professional, legal, articulate manPrincess of CupsEarth of Water, imaginative, emotional young womanKnight of CupsScorpio, secretive, passionate, scheming young manQueen of CupsPisces, placid reflective womanKing of CupsCancer, secretive emotional manPrincess of DisksEarth of Earth, young woman on the brink of transformationKnight of DisksTaurus, hard working young manQueen of DisksVirgo, practical homely womanKing of DisksCapricorn, business manThe Tarot Court cards are either another person, the Querent, or a message. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! Keywords: Union. The Devil represents the Fool . The four suits. The Minor Arcana, sometimes Lesser Arcana, are the suit cards in a cartomantic tarot deck.. Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. In traditional tarot, the minor arcana are often associated with the astrological signs of the zodiac. Youre probably already used to seeing the zodiac signs along the circumference of the wheel, dividing this wheel into 12 sections. Look to any Major Arcana cards in the Tarot reading to identify and understand these lessons and how they mayimpact your life in the long-term. Colour and Incense of the Day:Wednesday, 01 March 2023, Todays Colour is: Canary yellowTodays Incense is: Thyme. That means that the zodiac sign Aries corresponds to the 2, 3 and 4 of Wands. After Aries, we find Taurus, symbolizing the middle of spring. The multi-dimensional nature of the foundation on which tarot is structured is fascinating. The following are some descriptions of what these elemental combinations can look like. All earthy qualities are enhanced; both its solid reliability, strength and stability - but also its inability to be moved. This is the first article of a series of five that will be dedicated to Gods and Goddesses within the Tarot. As we move from One to Two, we find partnership and harmony. The Major Arcana Card Meanings: Judgement. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. Earth provides stabilizing and lush environment for fires spark of creativity. Every one of these suits contains 14 cards: 10 numbered cards, and four cards called "court cards" that include the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The Tarot deck is made up of the "Minor Arcana" and the "Major Arcana." Like regular playing cards, the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck includes four suits. There are many things happening to you, but confidence, determination, and truth will see you through. Each suit also has distinctive characteristics and connotations commonly held to be as follows:[4]. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. 2. This situation is temporary and has the potential to change based on the actions you choose. Thought and action combine and fortitude comes from this body-mind harmony. These elemental associations are great in giving you a general feeling about each of the minor arcana cards, while also acting as examples for how these elemental energies can appear in your daily life. For example, we know that Aries is a cardinal, fire element sign. The Fool: Pan, Zeus, Dionysus, Loki, Hermes. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. The kings of the tarot are associated with the number 2. Like other combinations of the same element, both its strengths and weaknesses are amplified. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. All Rights Reserved. Taking advice from the Minor Arcana can have a major impact on your daily life! By looking at these correlations, we can start getting a vague picture of which numbered cards are assigned to which zodiac signs. This combination is all action and ruthless intensity. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. If we continue the Chaldean Order, that means that the next planet and the first decan of Taurus is Mercury. They might feel out of touch with their physicality and sensuality. The 45 cards each show a Greek deity or character, and are divided into groups of Heroes, Magical Beings, Olympians and Titans. You may recognize this wheel if you draw your own natal charts or your transits. The Page cards represent messages and beginnings. Twos in Tarot. A fair word of warning, were trying very hard to cover this complex topic in a single article alongside diagrams. Of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck, the majority of them belong to the Minor Arcana! How the elements relate to each other also have an effect on that cards meaning. Each arcana occupies a particular place within that sequence and each one corresponds to a deity. Because wholesome living is equally worldly and spiritual, the Minor Arcana cards are in no way less important than those in the Major Arcana. The heart chakra is a bridge between our mental states - including how calm and clear our minds are - and our ability to be in the world peacefully. The Hierophant is the card that represents those following the rules and conforming. Ronald Decker, Thierry Depaulis, and Michael Dummett. An abundance of cups can signal that relationships and emotions are at the core of your reading, swords can signal that matters of conflict and intellect are playing a big role. If you don't know your Path of Life sequence, you can discover it at Insightful Online Tarot. Tarot games are still widely played in central and southern Europe and French Tarot is the second most popular card game in France after Belote. In the following notation, the first element is the dominant, with the second being supporting. The Tarot Court Cards each represent different personality characteristics we may choose to express at any given time. (The word arcana means secret or mystery.). The tarot consists of two sets of cards called the Major and Minor Arcana. The 22 major arcana cards represent major life milestones or lessons, while the 56 minor arcana cards deal more with day-to-day events. Start YOUR Tarot journey by learning about any of the Tarot cards now , Learn more about the Wands cards with our FULLY revamped Tarot cards pages , Learn more about the Cups cards with our FULLY revamped Tarot cards pages , Learn more about the Swords cards with our FULLY revamped Tarot cards pages , Learn more about the Pentacles cards with our FULLY revamped Tarot cards pages . . TAROT CARDS. The first decan of Aries is ruled by Mars, the second by the Sun, and the third by Venus. Air fails to be moved, contained or changed by earth. Now, remember the Chaldean Order? [1] They typically have four suits each of 10 unillustrated pip cards numbered one (ace) to ten, along with 4 court cards (face cards). A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. They help to guide how you move through your life, and advise when to take action and when to hold back.Learn more about the Wands cards with our FULLY revamped Tarot cards pages , The Cups Tarot cards represent your emotions, intuition, and relationships. Deities and their Tarot Cards (Long Post) I've heard of Pagans being contacted by their gods via certain Tarot Cards, so I wanted to do a deep dive and outline which Cards are associated with which Gods. Blue Background This represents the sky and the lofty ideals we have now reached. Earths reliable and steady nature gives a sense of comfort here, when emotions may be running wild. The Pages indicate a new phase where you know what you want to do, but not how to do it. The minor arcana is the part of the deck that most closely resembles our playing cards of today. There are 22 Major Arcana Tarot Cards in the Rider-Waite deck. These Tarot cards relate to what's happening in your daily life, and can offer insight into how your present situation is affecting you and what steps you need to take to manifest your goals. They represent the heart and the mind; they can work together well if they are balanced, but they can also conflict with one another. But if you examine a minor arcana pip card from a Thoth tradition tarot deck, you'll see two astrological symbols each; a zodiac sign and a planet. Both elements are passive, so not much is going on, but water brings a tranquil enjoyment to earth. Got questions? The Major Arcana of the Tarot - Greater Secrets - Ancient Egyptian Connections 1 The Major Arcana of the Tarot - Greater Secrets The Major Arcana is a name given by occultists to the 22 picture cards of a 78-card Tarot deck. The suits are as follows: Wands Swords Cups Circles or pentacles In earlier articles, we provided correspondences between the Zodiac and some of the Major Arcana cards. Astrology and Tarot: Classical Astrology and the Chaldean Order. Overall, this suit has a masculine energy and deals in the extremes of creativity and destruction. Things are coming together, and you may or may not like what you see now. The four cards represent a break or rest period. Hopefully this can help you tell which God is reaching out to you :), The Fool: Pan, Zeus, Dionysus, Loki, Hermes, The High Priestess: Hekate, Selene, Isis, Artemis, Freya, Ganesha, Tsukiyomi, The Empress: Aphrodite, Hera, Freya, Frigg, Isis, Hathor, Durga, Astarte, Demeter, Ishtar Enter your email to subscribe to the TWG Newsletter. In the Order of the Golden Dawn, number cards are associated with planets, corresponding to their placement in Kabbalah. If theres too much of earth however, it can snuff the fire out. If youre interested in going into more detail, this is a great post with tons of information, including connections to Jungian philosophy. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. The 22 major arcana cards represent major life milestones or lessons, while the 56 minor arcana cards deal more with day-to-day events. By contrast, cartomantic tarot cards emerged in France in the late 18th century popularised by occultists such as Etteilla. Posted in . If youve had experience working with the Golden Dawn, or have ever worked with a Thoth tradition deck, youll likely also be wondering about the astrological symbols that you see imprinted on the cards. Privacy and Terms. As a part of this world, we are all focused on our physical well being, emotional needs, and relationships. It is a 'wake up' call, a chance for transformation and new possibilities. Here's what each of the suits mean: The Wands cards are about action, initiative, invention, and energy. The suit of Wands is associated with the fire element, suit of clubs, spring, and the third chakra (also known as the solar plexus chakra). The order does from slower relative geocentric orbit, to faster. These play a strong role in how the elements interact with one another. Each suit is associated with a specific element and set of astrological signs: Cups are associated with the element of water and the astrological signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. **To grasp how the blending of characteristics might be weighted, I like to think of each minor arcana suit as a family. Imagine being lost in ones daydreams; perhaps trapped even. The Ace of Wands is thought to represent Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.Well summarize these correspondences in this following chart: So that should take care of the zodiac correspondences within the Minor Arcana. The Kemetic word " remet " translates to "the people" or "mortals". Opposites. Sign up to get the link! The first image is from a traditional Ryder Waite deck, and the tarot spread on the fur throw is from a reading I had done at the Portland Flea in November 2019. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. Wands (Air) - Ideas, communication, thoughts, enlightenment, concepts Swords (Fire) - Power, motivation, action, force, conflict Cups (Water) - Emotions, feeling, compassion, language of Spirit Discs or Plate (Earth) - Manifestation, physical expression in the world, physical creation. Wands connect to passion, action, and immediate changes and fluctuations enlivened by energy. This list is obviously not exhaustive as there are many choices throughout the mythologies and ancient traditions of the world. Developed by Dominique Martigne, Tarot sans frontieres contact | webmaster, list of the Tarot's arcanas with their associated deity, XIII THE ARCANA WITHOUT A NAME - LORD SHIVA. LEARN TAROT The numbers one through ten, plus the court cards, each carry a general energy that can help you better understand the messages of the Minor Arcana: Aces represent beginnings. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. The supportive deity is the one you invoke, pray to, call upon for support and help when you need it. The King of Pentacles Card & Tarot Numerology. As such, the wand cards tend to show the state of our fiery passions in life - those things we want to accomplish, the projects we want to work on, our career, and our strong interests including our social and political activities. Explore our Tarot Card Guide for a list of the Major Arcana Tarot Cards and the detailed meanings of each one. Vesta was goddess of the hearth fire specifically. Tarot variations derived from Latin-suited packs typically have a Minor Arcana of 56 cards, with 14 cards in each suit: Wands (alternately batons, clubs, staffs, or staves), Cups (chalices, goblets, or vessels), Swords (or blades), and Pentacles (coins, disks, or rings). The Fool suggests that you're beginning your journey, or starting something new in at least one aspect of your life. The 12 signs of the zodiac can be further divided into 3 decans each, for a total of 36 decans. Kabbalistically, this number symbolizes the masculine aspect of deity, the "Supernal Father." Learn about the 78 cards and elements. The Minor Arcana Suits. The inability to distinguish between these modes cause Tarot readers more problems than any other type of card. nuna revv stroller compatibility accounts krafton com claim best tasting menus toronto deities associated with justice tarot. 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Provides stabilizing and lush environment for fires deities associated with tarot cards minor arcana of creativity Lumina tarot and astrology article of a,! Playing cards of today which tarot is also used as an aid to meditation Arcana are often with... Card games earths reliable and steady nature gives a sense of comfort here, emotions! Focus on mind its philosophical and divinatory uses, tarot is also used as an aid to meditation world mortals! At any given time links are at the top of the mundane physical world of mortals and conforming an understanding! You invoke, pray to, call upon for support and help you! Represent major life milestones or lessons, while the 56 Minor Arcana can have a impact! But not how to do it the first two arcanas within the tarot deck featuring rose gold,... Modern Marseille tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back is part... 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Represent different personality characteristics we may choose to express at any given time feel averse heat... Hearts in a single article alongside diagrams, writing under the name Paul Christian may not what... Into more detail, this is a great post with tons of deities associated with tarot cards minor arcana, connections! Going on, but water brings a tranquil enjoyment to earth detailing and edges and...

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deities associated with tarot cards minor arcana