i hate being a physician assistant

I hate being a PA. Fingers crossed I hear back. Eight years later than expected, my switch finally flipped. WebHate being a medical assistant. Overview

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Experience the power of physical therapy! It's your life and the clock keeps on ticking. Im literally about to call off tomorrow because I just cant do it. But if it was in healthcare, it would be the path of a doctor. While I thoroughly enjoy my job, I enjoy my children even more! iRobot Roomba j7+ robot vacuum: $599. Not only that but, they have so many good opportunities to escape bedside medicine. If you don't have a science-related undergraduate degree, don't fret. The clinic I work at had their PA out on maternity leave, and their NP on vacation, leaving the MDs and DOs to work alone. "If you don't like something, change it. I then go talk with and examine the patient in the ED. This amount of practice not only makes you good at what you do in short order, but it also makes you confident in what you are doing. The PANCE consists of 300 total questions. That's a facetious comment btw. Learn More, Harsh Criticism from some doctors on the PA profession. Some of my classmates really hate their spots (mostly hospitalists though). I guess they are equivalent too according to your 0.02. Some of us probably would be better suited to a different profession entirely, but we are either 'in too deep' now or made the best choice we could make at the time we started school. If they have received treatment at Mayo Clinic previously, it is nice to be prepared with all their recent medical information. Dr. Bob. Dr. Bob. We are a close cohesive group of APPs. I can see both sides of this discussion. I also like to review their current vital signs, laboratory studies, and any other diagnostic studies they had in the ED. It's your opinion, but there are thousands of truly happy physician assistants out there. I do enjoy helping to an extent people however, it isn't my number 1 reason for taking the job. If you can't change it, change your attitude.". Good luck. Ill have to see what is out there. Our landscape continues to change, and so will we. How do you collaborate with your supervising physician and your co-workers? Participation is open for anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. Hey fellow new grad! Im tired of the inflexibility of my schedule. What the hell can I use this overly-expensive degree for now? I've been practicing for 2 years, which isn't long, but my general impression is that medicine is not the glorified bundle of money and satisfaction it's made out to be. Have you tried looking for pharm sales positions? There are sprinklings of satisfaction, but for most PAs I know, it's a stable decent-paying job that beats being a cubicle drone, but it's not necessarily our "life's calling". As a result, the vast majority of patient care, particularly outside of But a lot of general medical specialties seem to offer more autonomy. If I could go back in time, I would actually choose a totally different career path; probably as far away from the healthcare field as possible! We are simply stuck and crippled where we are - having no choice but to be around and work with a bunch of a##h#les; no say, no choice, ho hope of it changing. I feel that many applicants and the public at whole are oblivious to the dark side of the profession and many PAs are to proud to admit to it. Kate Maloney is AAPAs senior manager of corporate communications. I've been in several different specialties and 5 jobs. So, I worked my last day at my dream job a few weeks ago. And I've practiced in a variety of settings, both in outpatient offices and hospitals. City life not that great at times. She gave me a full 20 minute lecture on how becoming a doctor is more prestigious. All I can say is that you should come spend a day with me (or any other surgical PA I know), and I will disabuse you of the notion that I'm a glorified "errand boy" with no autonomy. I think it may be a fair criticism that we may be trained to approach medicine with some sort of algorithm. Dropping the kids off at school, volunteering in their classrooms, and taking them to practices are things that I enjoy. I tend to have recurring kidney infections (in my kidneys, Hi, I tend to have recurring kidney infections (in my kidneys, not bladder) - I get none of the UTI pain/burning/urgency symptoms, and I family read more. But, having specific reasons for staying was important to me. Ive given up a lot of my golden years being a medical assistant and studying in PA school, missing out as my parents got older and as my friends made memories. Rounding and discharges are breaking your back - you gonna spend $120K on a PA and back them up a little bit or double that ++ on another doc? Yes it will be a longer path and a harder one, but it will end. My friend who is a pharmacist recently made the switch and loves it. 89. About eight months in, I was looking for part-time work in an ER to help pay off my student loans. As an introvert and a goal oriented person , this is a bad match for me. The pace of the day can change at anytime in the hospital, so Ive found that I have to try to catch up with other duties whenever I can. Theres no turning the clock back now. None of my classmates seem willing to want to admit this. I hate medicine, to be honest. I would find some good ways to destress outside of work and just keep doing your best. What no one tells you about moving to Texas is that it's a trap. I am doing everything I can every day to prepare and am hoping for the best - I still would choose this route vs becoming a doc when I'm 40, though I have definitely considered it. I then staff the patient with my attending physician, and, last but not least, I dictate the patients admission history and physical. Besides it might be more a matter of they are "idiots" to that particular physician because he's earned their distrust and disrespect One of the best study guides I've seen comes out of the University of Toronto called "The Toronto Notes" and it breaks down everything into approach algorhythms for pretty much any major problems you can think of. Im afraid of starting out in the bottom again. Thank you for your post. We discuss everything from interesting patient cases to stories about our kids to our favorite recipes. I find I make fewer mistakes that way. I keep thinking that I should have gone into a different field and Im overwhelmed and scared and feel stuck. 1. I've been there too. I've done outpatient and inpatient in 2 different fields. It's a powerful feeling to know you are good at what you do, and it's reassuring when those with whom you work trust you to manage patient care at a high level. I have a MD on my team at work that says he makes more doing what he does as a medical liaison than he would be practicing. But like others have said, we get to help people on a daily basis. She didn't check with her collaborating physician or show him the CT scan before she saw the patient. All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved. What specialty are you in? Its nice to know Im not the only one with these feelings. Urgent care, family, occupational, etc. Not a PA, but an NP, and I feel the same way you do. Why not take condescend from the medical heavens and take these alleged deficient PAs under their all knowledgeable wing and share with them the nectar of the MD/DO deities?A few lab techs from my program went and became PAs years ago. How does being a hospitalist PA work for your family? She serves as one of this years course directors for the Adult Hospital Medicine Boot Camp, a five-day conference dedicated to hospital medicine practice. Just put your head down, work hard, and earn the respect you want. Lately Ive been finding myself jealous of my peers and colleagues in other industries. I am so afraid of hurting someone that I can't sleep most nights. There are aspects of the work I like, but it's impossible to isolate them and the other stressors, combined with the sheer volume of patients we are expected to see precludes any sort of enjoyable employment scenario. However, I do respect the insight and appreciate the candid discussion. Only deployment overseas to Iraq as an Army Medical Officer gave me the great job satisfaction one would expect to get out of their work. She didn't hesitate or hedge her bets. They each were terrified what would happen after graduation. I feel bad that you don't enjoy your jobhowever, I think its unfair of you to tell every young applicant to steer clear of the profession..ce To the OP. WebWhy I quit being a physical therapist assistant. But I don't worship them. This is where having longer training periods and many hours of previous patient care exposure kicks in - it develops your "Spidey sense" more. Feeling trapped sucks! As recognized leaders in cardiac care, women's and children's services, cancer care, orthopedics and advanced patient-safe Location & Hours 5300 Snyder Ln Ste A Or am i asking for too much as a new grad and should lower my expectations? While in that role, Palermo realized that she was drawn to the medical side of patient care and that she wanted to be in the medical field. PA functions include performing diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, and health maintenance services. I applaud you for your outspoken opinion on career satisfaction. I feel that many applicants and the public at whole are oblivious to the dark side Physician Assistants provide healthcare services typically performed by a physician, under the supervision of a physician. JP: Being a hospitalist PA works well for my family life. I had this feeling that I didn't want to continue down the road of becoming a healthcare provider while I was still in school. Everyone worries when theyre home from work that they screwed up. They have bigger opportunities for promotions, raises, bonuses, job mobility. JP: PAs in HIM have to be flexible, organized, and able to multitask. I like to spend time with patients. Pay those loans down and call it an interesting chapter in your life. It honestly makes me tremendously depressed. Plus even with the nice salary and benefits, you get to help people, which is the reason that you should have gotten into this field initially, and from your initial post, it does not sound like that is the reason that you got into this field, which is a shame, and sad. Source: am a new grad in my 2nd week of practice. I tend to have recurring kidney infections (in my kidneys, Hi, I tend to have recurring kidney infections (in my kidneys, not bladder) - I get none of the UTI pain/burning/urgency symptoms, and I family read more. I hear many stories from successful PAs who love their job, and garner all of the respect that a professional clinician deserves. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. Medicine is only for people who feel joy and satisfaction from working hard to help people in one way. Yes I think thats probably a big if not one of the biggest parts. My department alone had 20 PAs, and that's just in a very particular subspecialty; the hospital has hundreds. WebAccording to Holland, physicians and physician assistants fall into the investigative category. Then, you must enter and complete a residency of 1 to 7 years, again limited to 80 hours per week by federal law. It wasn't a matter of not wanting anything to change. JP: I try to take a standardized approach to evaluating patients. After you graduate from an accredited PA program, youll be ready to sit for the PANCE (the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam). Ive been working as a PA in orthopaedic surgery for about a year. She decided on PA school and enrolled at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona. The most common treatment of y is z." At some point when you are doing a job you could have done five years ago, you need a new challenge. I wonder if it' s just the specialty you are in, and private practice vs. Hospital. Really? They don't know I am now a PA student but we got on the topic of PAs practicing medicine and all hell broke loose. On the other side - I recently attended a dinner with my CCU team and one of the docs present praised the PA's and NP's for the work we do and recognized that day to day and hour to hour we are the ones running the show and calling the shots in our Unit. I wish I could wake up 2 years into the future with confidence. If they didn't know, they soon learned as they were exposed to so many other APPs across the institution. Get a bachelor's degree (preferably in science). I had similar feelings throughout school and just recently graduated. Hey, new grad here. I enjoy working both shifts, because its a nice change of pace. Many states still are not very PA-friendly, and compensation is a joke. Collaboration. Educations. There are plenty of providers that see their work as their hustle and at the end of the day just want to make money. You're absolutely right. Doctoral Degree. For ourselves, and NP's to a lesser degree possibly, we swing in the breeze depending on the demands of, wait for it, the supervising physician that we work "directly under". They don't know I am now a PA student but we got on the topic of PAs practicing medicine and all hell broke loose. 89. With the unpredictability of the hospital, getting out on time doesnt always happen, but thats expected. For pre-PA help, check out /r/prephysicianassistant. Inflexible schedule, no PTO (I could schedule a vacation by arranging my 12 hour shifts differently), and annoying patients who would come in last minute for nothing. 109. Being a major research facility, the physicians have many other obligations outside of patient care. By 2)Live as cheap a lifestyle as you can and shovel money toward your debt. Being a major research facility, the physicians have many other obligations outside of patient care. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. But there is a ditch on the other side of this road and I think you just fell into it. The fellowship gave me additional exposure to hospital medicine and allowed me to learn in a supportive, educational environment. My own cadaver lab? Maybe you are in a not great area in which you are working, but telling everyone to quit thinking about going to PA school and just go to medical school is wrong and you should be ashamed. Actually, for the past couple of years, I wanted some new career opportunities. BTW, if you want to see what medicine should be, Amazon has season 1 of "Marcus Welby, MD" available for $3.99. I usually spend some time after my shift addressing any emails I didnt get to during the day or following up on patient results. After seeing the patient, I like to touch base with the patients nurse to update him or her. How did you end up in hospital medicine? You really wont be able to get into academia until you hit at least 2 years anyway. Powered by Invision Community, Welcome to the Physician Assistant Forum! They claim the whole profession is based on economics meaning businesses care more about their bottom line and in consequence patients get sub-par health care from "midlevels" (I hate that word). Haters gonna hate. Pay your loans aggressively and they can be gone in 5-7 years and if you hate being a PA then, you can dip out. I had a rough day today where I legitimately had all of these thoughts and I am up way past my bedtime because of it, but this was so worth the read. Palermo didnt immediately gravitate towards hospital medicine at the start of her career. February 10, 2014 in Professional PA General Discussion, To all and any who are considering the PA profession as their future career -. Only after seeing the patient did she discuss the case with her collaborating physician. Lots of happy PAs in my neck of the woods. I've been kind of noticing this in general too. Being is the vast affirmative, excluding negation, self-balanced, and swallowing up all relations, parts, and times within itself. Im a big fan of being consistent and thorough when Im interviewing and examining patients. I know a lot of nurses that hated nursing and thats the route they went. Younger docs or immigrants or people with good math skills tend to see how much we can add to the bottom line and/or make everything easier. There's no need to denigrate anyone but I also believe in affording respect where respect is due. The old guard doesn't like it, but there it is. If I am assigned to an afternoon shift, my work day starts at noon or 2 p.m. We work 12-hour shifts and have six APPs on each day who work at staggered start times in order to provide adequate cover for patient care. It was the first time I started to consider how I could eventually bring myself to leave. I cant talk about or hear about medicine outside of work, it drives me insane. 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i hate being a physician assistant