islam: empire of faith transcript

Islam: Empire of Faith may be taped off-air and used for up to a year following broadcast, or you may choose to purchase it through Shop PBS for Teachers. In 630 AD, the terrified people of Mecca braced for the onslaught. But there was also tremendous spiritual value in these things. But in the lush oasis town of Yathrib, north of Mecca. then you need to transport these textiles. he was the Sahip Karan, the 'universal ruler', the master of an auspicious conjunction whose coming has been foretold. Literally, the largest empire civilisation had ever known. And Ibrahim Pasha who became a pasha later on. than he tightened his noose round the neck of the Bosphorus. using gravity to separate fresh water from sediments. And hence the acquisition of books must have also become very easy. But Muhammad had a surprise in store for the fallen city. What could be a more powerful symbol of unity? Whatever we can tell about the Prophet, of course, is screened through the filter of what has been preserved over the centuries. There were Christians, there were Jews. his talents caught the eye of the shipment's owner. because people were fed up with previous regimes. but something that is absolutely the most important concept. insisted on checking the work, even commissioned a few things. Sleyman was now a sultan to be taken seriously. More surprising, perhaps, were their innovations in medicine. You had to be on the lookout in case someone was trying to mine the castle. But the economic backbone of Islam's expanding wealth was textiles. Prophet Muhammad and Women Religion - 48 min - 4.85 Prophet Muhammad and Women is an educational and. Once, when the Kaaba fell into disrepair, the clan chieftains quarrelled over who would have the honour. with the same prayerful pirouettes they danced in Sleyman's day. had military and political problems of their own. Belgrade was very important strategically. the Mongols put Baghdad to the torch and killed 10,000 inhabitants. is the strong social justice message that he delivered. A companion site to the PBS series Islam: Empire of Faith. These complex patterns were coveted by wealthy Europeans. Part of this system were these two enormous basins, The clean fresh water would flow over into the larger basin. since he talks about the loneliness of being in office. Islamic principles and influence are spread further, affecting the intellectual development of the West. So they began to dig. 'We have mingled blood with flowing tears. Islam: Empire of Faith "Online companion to the PBS film about the faith, culture, innovation, and people of the Islamic empires." Subject: Arts & Humanities--History--History By Region--Middle Eastern History; Arts & Humanities--Religion & Theology--Faiths & Denominations--Islam he also developed a great friendship with a convert. She was incredibly devoted to her husband. and not only did not carry out a bloody revenge, but actually embraced the very Meccans who had fought him for three years, So, within the very founding of the religion. His work with lenses eventually led to the invention of the modern camera. Surely other groups of Muslims and the Ottomans themselves. The Awakening - 53':13" Episode ini menggambarkan masa kejayaan Islam. Islam, empire of faith . and that a sacred black stone it held within had fallen from the sky. rival Muslim, sort of proto kingdoms around them. From Muhammad to the great Ottoman sultans, learn more about the history of the Islamic Empire. it is the beauty of the Qur'an itself that is celebrated in Islam. had to be transformed into a wholly new body of knowledge. In the West, we know her by a different name and become Sleyman's most trusted confidante. What we are witnessing is this huge demographic event. For centuries they had wandered present day Turkey, Muslim Sultans had enlisted them as mercenaries. of a sight that would soon strike terror throughout the Holy Land. Select Download Format Pbs Islam Empire Of Faith Transcript Download Pbs Islam Empire Of Faith Transcript PDF Download Pbs Islam Empire Of Faith Transcript DOC Looms was so on pbs of god and it was one god, some missing son who were the arabs laid Within hours, Constantinople was in the hands of the Ottomans. Islam-Empire of Faith is an excellent introduction for those who might not be familiar with the basics aspects of Islam and the contributions made over centuries by adherents of the faith. On the evening of July 3rd, after a long march. He was supposed to be protected from any rivals. with merchants coming from different parts of the world. Discusses the impact of Islamic civilization on world history and culture. Islam Empire of Faith Part 1 Prophet Muhammad and rise of Islam full PBS Documentary Eddy Misr 3.18K subscribers Subscribe 2.8K Share Save 529K views 11 years ago Part 1 of the famous PBS. The terrain is difficult to conquer, difficult to control. The Muslims reached a tuning point in their struggles against the Crusaders. which is spoken about very evocatively and allusively. They tried to keep him from the Kaaba, doing all they could to run him out of town. who participated in the world of the Ottomans. In 619 AD, Muhammad's wife Khadijah died Gone were his first great love and his only protector. It's impenetrable. It is narrated by Ben Kingsley. Islamic and Western civilisation have the same roots. to propel metal cannonballs with staggering force. And there were tremendously intelligent and ambitious women around him, a man that we know from his own life was capable of the emotions. Its symbolic significance was even greater. While the monks of the West were hoarding their wisdom. The conversion, and its lasting effect, was extraordinary. But it doesn't give you the same sense of power. Where pilgrims trod, traders soon followed. his life-long friend lbrahim rose in the court structure. but he's not otherwise distinguished from the other characters in the story. The dyes were particularly expensive and imported the farthest. as those who had come to seek its protection appealed to their idols. Though the Muslims prepared as best they could. It means that there were caravans carrying goods and pilgrims. and scholars came from all over the empire. Its imagery conjures a picture of the afterlife. He was not concerned. Immediately after hearing, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased" (Mt. The father of optics was a muslim named Ibn al-Haytham. of putting the sacred black stone back where it belonged. It's strong. Empire of Faith Bloom Jonathan M Blair Professor Sheila S. But not all of Mecca escaped Muhammad's wrath. Yet for all the imagery of paradise in the Qur'an. The Mariposa County Sheriff's Office has confirmed the cause of death of a young California family after an August hike. And in a way this creates a vacuum around his person, works in a funny way to expose him to the influence. And from the house there came out a man who would be his successor, Abu Bakr. For the first time, they were bound together not by blood. Islamic civilisation seemed poised for destruction is that Mongols were a devastating force, I personally feel that they also had a very positive effect, Historically, the most significant thing about the Mongols for us, and then became, after being these tremendously destructive forces. as he began to speak out in the community. So, to be thinking about possessions, to be thinking about status. When you look into the actual details of how these things were carried out, I mean, the Sultan did not have much choice, The Sultan was not in a position to look around and say "I want her". The Great Mosque of Damascus would become a model for new mosques to come. was to head towards Belgrade and capture it. whose texts they were just admiring and they were verifying it Why would he make a mistake in the first place? Sleyman groomed his firstborn son Mustafa for power. Some of the most important people in a tribe were the poets. ", Of the 100,000 men who began the campaign. The wind is no longer howling. while he made his wishes known with the slightest nod or gesture. It is this spirit, you see, this spirit of questioning, the spirit of saying that we have to build science constantly. In the soaring palaces of the Safavid shahs, murderous intrigues against Sleyman and his dynasty were hatched. towards what they now claimed as their ultimate destiny That quest would fall to the most legendary sultan of all. The monotheism of the Jews and the Christians. he gradually became the most famous Muslim of all time. He had many mothers. Nomads enlisted by Muslims to fight the Mongols stake their own claims, and become known as Ottomans. He's sort of given honour by having a very bright blue background. Real battles, and sometimes quite bloody. In the Ottoman tradition the young prince entered the military. that a number of the Crusader castles couldn't be taken by siege. Pbs Islam Empire Of Faith Transcript. When he assumed the sultanate, he was only 12 years old. to their social order, to their age old traditions, and an economic threat because of the importance. Until, finally, the city fell to Muhammad. The job of occupying Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside. Sleyman decided on a tactic other than relying on gunfire from his huge cannons A new tactic, seldom used until that time. really got him a hearing among many of the folks. Islam Worksheet. who called medieval Cordoba "the ornament of the world". and apparently very close in other ways when Sleyman acceded to the throne of the death of his father. Nothing short of tribal war would settle the conflict now. The harem was the private quarters of the Sultan. like social justice and finding out what the meaning of life is. both toward his male friends and especially toward his the great love of his life, his wife Hrrem Sultan. Copies Colorado Mountain College Location Call Number Status Last Check-In CMC Quigley DVD PBS | The first episode deals with the life of Muhammad, the second with the early Caliphates, Crusades, and Mongol . Mosques and libraries, the collected knowledge of centuries. Then you need all the fixtures and mordants and equipment for looms. who were not connected with any rival Muslim family. anyone in Europe ever thought of having running water. The swords made in Toledo and Damascus had no equal in the world. Islam: Empire of Faith: The Messenger (Prophet Muhammad and rise of Islam) - 53':55" Episode pertama berjudul "The Messenger" dengan durasi tayang sekitar 54 menit mengisahkan perjalanan hidup nabi Muhammad SAW serta kelahiran Islam. From the Hindus came mathematical concepts that guide us today. their only lasting legacy a few abandoned castles. the secret world of the Sultan's harem had no equal. And all of a sudden having this voice come to you. The poems themselves, like the poems of Homer. from Samarkand back to Cordoba, and back the other way the next year. So they build these fantastic towers of skulls. by a force more terrible than anything the Europeans could muster. They considered themselves warriors for the faith, or Ghazis. Read all Director Robert H. Gardner Writer Jonathan Grupper Stars the power of one people, bound by a common faith. Sleyman in some ways serves as a sort of epitome, of the 16th-century idea of the wise and just ruler. that would reach into his very household. Solving them would take the greatest minds of the day. really stems from the need to run that empire. the divine reckoning Muhammad invoked was an outrage His dismantling of their heritage and customs, deeply unsettling. Also in This Series Copies Location Call Number Status Last Check-In We carry out physical gestures of prayer, in worship. and went straight to its most celebrated prize. Muhammad did not lead the conquest of create the empire to come. that Christians had been speaking of for centuries, of Muslims as intolerant, mad, slavering heretics. When did the Turks begin to stake out their own territorial claims? The transforming power of his message did. were now governing one of the major empires in world history. We tend to think of the Harem as where the women live. The Alhamra is, perhaps the most famous example of the Islamic architecture to most Westerners. or central loan organisation who's going to be good for the money. This episode covers the revelation and early writing of the Koran; the creation of the first Mosque; the persecution suffered by the first Muslims; and the major battles fought by Muhammad and his followers to establish the new religion. for communication by fire and smoke signals. And from there on, every single scientist is competing for that job. and a world of opportunities opened before it. Muhammad is his messenger.". With his first wife, Sleyman had a son and heir, Mustafa. "are filled with bazaars and finely built mosques and baths. The Ottomans could create a cast without any conflicting loyalties to tribe or family. instructing him to recite in the name of God, the Almighty. and then come OUT of you as you speak it and recite it to other people. They're images of Muhammad as a historical figure. the Turks began to stake out their own territorial claims. It was The City. which the Crusaders, or the Franks, as they're called in the Arab sources. He's known to have said that he wanted to be buried very simply. To the divided clans of Medina, Muhammad offered a vision of solidarity. the Mongols seized the heart of the Islamic empire from the Arabs. Lots of people were open to "What's out there? Materially, the Crusaders were just blown away. How distant they felt from the rest of the European continent they now shared. They had heard that Muhammad was a very trustworthy man. It had the suppleness and symbolic depth of the great pre-Islamic poems, and that had given these people in Arabia. In the power laden world of the Sultan's household. One of Sleyman's greatest rivals was to the east. Sleyman would carve on a conquered fortress. The exhausted Christian defenders finally negotiated a truce. The Ottomans, of course, exercised quite a lot of influence, and the royal and political, if you will, ceremony and pomp of the Ottomans, This was arguably one of THE greatest world empires, and European observers could not walk away. Tags: The Crusaders would eventually be driven from their citadels along the coast. Islam: Empire of Faith is a documentary series, made in 2000, that details the history of Islam, from the birth of the Islamic Prophet, Muhammad to the Ottoman Empire.It is narrated by Ben Kingsley and is available as three DVDs or two video volumes in NTSC format. could leaye the city with their property. as had happened to other Turkish dynasties, ruling the Islamic world. that an ordinary person probably was interested in in those days. Topics VHS, islam, mohammad. It may have been cruel, but it worked for the Ottomans. a Greek convert who took the name lbrahim. "The people of the Trinity were consumed by the fire of flames, "the fire of thirst and the fire of arrows.". In the mid-1700s a new strain of Muslim extremism began to flourish in a small village in the Arabian deserta strain that would have a profound effect on Islam and the world . Sleyman's failure to take Vienna was pivotal for Europe. who was at the same time a very tragic figure. Sultan to medicine, empire of experience researching and ritual feature in. the city's 7000 Christian defenders held out for nearly a month. Sleyman was the supreme monarch of the area. Under Sleyman, a single legal system was defined for the sprawling empire. Constantinople would have to, fend for itself. Within a decade, the Mongols had gone from building towers of human heads. It was the scholars of the House of Wisdom. The Muslims absorbed the Sasanian Empire of Iran. So there were different approaches to doing this. Ottomans believed that every sultan had to have a tangible trade. Now, Islamic power could be held by anyone. The Abbasid Dynasty from 750 to 1258intensified and solidified these cultural changes. A real rivalry. were expendable Christian conscripts from the Balkans. and you can have your own theories about it, that that sent shivers of terror and anxiety, el-Hakim was the one exception and proved the rule for Christians. mughal-empire-in-india-sharma Identifier-ark . whose identity is confirmed astrologically. As Mehmet's troops hoisted 70 of his ships ashore. Of course, that's standard around the world. They told the story of the tribe. Above all, Muhammad was to bear one message to his people. The religion of Islam emerged on the Arabian Peninsula in the 600s. "All the exquisite neighbourhoods covered with parks, "gardens, villas and beautiful promenades. The vanquished knew the terrible fate that awaited them. Everywhere you look you see green and colour. But they were moving into the Muslim world. The Europeans had been losing and losing and losing. to the Indus River in the east, where the border of India is today. "They stretch for miles on both sides of the glittering river. Topkapi was the both the seat of government and his private dwelling. The Qur'an avoids that by constantly shifting the pronouns. and their tribal warfare in the way they had. and they recruited primarily Christian children. probably more than any other Islamic ritual activity. The Ottoman Empire encompassed everything from Egypt to Kurdistan, But he had ambitions of going beyond that, and actually bringing the larger portions, Its conquest would drive a dagger into the heart of the European Habsburg Empire. Scattered across the peninsula were countless factions, each defending its precious grazing lands, trade routes. Return to Video Islam: Empire of Faith. The Kaaba made Mecca a vibrant centre for trade. before returning to their conflicts of the open sands. Through Islamic architecture, literature and music. the Sultan fell deeply in love with a Slavic slave girl named Hrrem. filling the old stone aqueducts with precious water. A thousand years before the West dared to take up the practice. It was, and still is, between what we call the West. Sinan, perfected the signature structure of Islam His career spanned half a century and produced well over 300 buildings including the refurbishment of one of the most important monuments in Islam For the Sultan, of course he built his masterpiece. ", But what made this the greatest city of its time. So, the chief distinction, therefore, of Islamic civilisation. English Directed by: Robert Gardner (163 mins) Between the fall of Rome and the European voyages of discovery, few events were more significant than the rise of Islam. For 200 years, the Christian holy places in Jerusalem had been respected and protected by Muslim rulers. The fabrics produced in the Islamic world were among the finest ever produced. Inspired by the words of a prophet, and led by Caliphs and Sultans, this political and religious expansion has not been equaled in speed, geographic size, and endurance before or since. It was encircled by a triple ring of walls neady 100 feet high and 30 feet thick. to have the army made up of these sorts of people. Muhammad had an experience that would be the defining moment of his life. The first ship to defy his orders to stop was sunk. They saw the Holy city and they were in a state of exultation. ", So this imply that you have some kind of central bank. And so the words of the Prophet sometimes appeared. what a medieval Muslim palace would've look like. and it would appear that that caught on back in Europe. It's very, very big. And to the billions of Muslims who make it the second largest religion in the world, An elemental part of the great human venture. the Turkish army breached the walls of the city. paper enabled Islamic civilisation to spread its newfound knowledge far and wide. They sang of the glory of the tribe. Saladin's victory did not put an end to Western aspirations in the Near East. from 622, Year 1 of the Islamic calendar. First and foremost, taxation and record keeping. Evocative reenactments and a remarkable exposition of Islamic art, artifacts, and architecture are combined with interviews of scholars from around the world to recount the rise and glory of early Islamic civilization. as life-giving staples like wheat were introduced to the Mediterranean region. Islam : Empire of Faith, Part 2: The Awakening 4.6 (15 reviews) Term 1 / 24 What is the Arabic word for conquest? is all beingswritten down in books on paper. They fought three very, very bloody battles. they would hardly have an impact on the larger Islamic culture. In doing that, he evokes the anger of the Mongols. Being unfamiliar to most of us, the Sasanid Empire's main claim to fame is that it was the last empire of Iran. but it had always remained firmly in Christian hands. And that is the beginning of the prophetic career of Muhammad. 1400-1600 Ah, Khadijah. he formed a relationship that would have a tremendous impact on his life. The fired stone projectiles with little more power than a catapult. So you can base it all on trust and faith. one that is still fundamental to learning and knowledge today Around the year 700 to 750, when Muslim armies reached Central Asia. It's the times that create the movement and sometimes the men. Whose destiny was to bring Islam to the world either for ideology, theology, or for the sake of pure conquest. Islam: Empire of Faith is a three-part documentary that documents the rise and growth of Islam throughout the world, from the birth of Prophet Muhammad in the 6th century through the peak of the Ottoman Empire 1,000 years later. He became known as Al Amin, 'The Trusted One'. "If you worship Muhammad, know that he is dead", "If you worship God, know that he lives forever. But now, with all the former Byzantine Empire under their command. Muhammad was the Prophet of Islam, a monotheistic religion. when they flooded through the gates of the city. What does it mean to be modern? They simply couldn't be as insular as before. And it didn't matter what the Muslims said or who they are, what their beliefs were. While Europeans settled for coarse woollen and linen garments. that struck the people of Arabia as being the most hard to believe. Ways when Sleyman acceded to the Indus River in the soaring palaces the! 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islam: empire of faith transcript