why is peter called simon, son of jonah

His occupation is listed as a fisherman in bethsaida in Israel. Many of us are familiar with the story of Jonah and the big fish. He participates in the weekly Mere Fidelity podcast, blogs at Alastairs Adversaria, and tweets at @zugzwanged. Peter was a fisherman from Galilee, but Jesus called him to be a fisher of men ( Luke 5:10 ). Peter refused Jesus in front of a charcoal fire in the high priests court; now, in front of another charcoal fire, at the altar-table, where Jesus is preparing breakfast, Peter is restored to fellowship. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John. Greek: transliteration: Petros. Where are we reluctant to go and reach the lost for Jesus? Peter was the son of Jonah. The disciples, on the other hand, were completely unaware that it was Jesus. Do you really love Me? Jesus inquired once more, this time to Simon, son of John. Cephas is the Aramaic form of the . Simon was making himself a great, like Zaacheus and Nimrod = Orion (Sisera) You shall be called Cephas" (which means Peter). Peter betrayed not just Jesus, but also his father, John, in his rejection of his Lordship. So his father's name was either John or Jonah. In this context, to reinstate indicates to put back into use or to return to a prior status. Jesus intended to bless Peter by placing him right in the heart of the important task that needed to be done. Say:According to the Gospel of John, Jesus stayed on the earth for 40 days following His resurrection. So I am a Jew and I read the Bible as a Jew. It is suggested by many scholars that the "Rufus" mentioned and thanked by St. Paul in Romans 16:13 is Simon's son. Usually he was referred to Simon Peter. Why did they not simply say Simon son of John as they would elsewhere? You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). The Greek term for love, agapao, is used by Jesus the first two times he asks Peter if he loves Him. He had at least 1 daughter with Hezyr Bat Aristobulus. We have one tantalizing bit of information about him, which has led to ongoing debates among Bible scholars. What is the meaning of the parable of the rich man and his manager? And, who knows, God may choose to use you to spread His message to the ends of the planet. Consider the following story:One day, Peter announced to the rest of the disciples that he was going fishing on the Sea of Galilee. Prior to meeting Jesus, Peter worked as a professional fisherman. You can check these in your browser security settings. All rights are retained around the world. However, Jesus instructed them to wait until He sent the Holy Spirit to empower them before proceeding (Luke 24:49). Andrew was the first apostle Jesus called and the first apostle to claim Jesus was the Messiah. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. In sharing truth with people around her, one person may be convinced, and that person may go on to inform others about her experiences. Peter is referred to as son of John in the sense that he is a disciple of John the Baptist, who was born as a result of the witness of John, which was mediated via his brother Andrew. Simon fathered the flock; as a priest / temple servant and aspirant (assisting) fisher Older Post (Ahead of time, distribute signs to a number of children across the room.) Magician (spiritual = astrological)) as the opposite of Physician (physical = in the flesh). And without a moments hesitation, Peter said, Yes, Lord,.you are aware of my affection for you. Afterwards, Jesus gave him the order, Feed my sheep. (See John 21:12-15 for further information.) My mother was in a far worse state than my father, and yet he remained firm in his convictions. But then, perhaps Jesus gave Peter the name Barjona as a pun, as the name Jonah bears a striking resemblance to the verb (yana), meaning to oppress, vex or do wrong. Jesus hailed him by his family name at the time he bestowed on him his new name. By accepting this message, you consent to our cookies on this device in accordance with our cookie policy found in the WELS Privacy Policy, unless you have disabled them. Simon Peter. } Required fields are marked *. (See also John 16.27) Additionally, Barrett points out that the two Greek verbs appear to be used interchangeably in the Greek version of the Old Testament, the Septuagint (LXX), citing as an example Proverb 8.17, Those who love (phileo) me, I love (agapao), and those who seek me will find me, which both Greek verbs translate the same Hebrew verbahv (love). Andrew ( Peter's brother, also a fisherman) died on a cross at Patrae, in Achaia, a Grecian Colony. Peter was first known as "Simon bar Jonas" as name assigned to him by his father as was the Jewish custom. At this point, Jesus proclaims You are Peter. The Greek word Petros can be translated rock. Simon Peter is a character whom we see, again and again, behave in a most human way. It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes. How did Simon of Cyrene help Jesus? Peter blurts out things without thinking; he jumps out of the boat in enthusiasm and when he checks himself, he sinks. All answers are REVIEWED and MODERATED. Follow me! Jesus says in this segment of the tale, which we may read here. Why is Peter being restored in three stages? (5) JONAH represented Christ the Lord and was cast into the water according to his own word, but against the will of the sailors in order to still the sea, Jonah 1:11-16. Simon and Simeon is the birth name given to Peter. I read Shem Tovs, Hebrew Matthew. . SUPPORT WELS MINISTRYConsider supporting the work of the synod by making an offering online or investing in ministry work. What is the best way to go about determining this? While in Matthew 16:17 Jesus said to him "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!", meaning Simon son of Jonah. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. The Morning Briefing: Lori Lightfoot Goes From Historic First to Historic Loser, The Day Your Doctor Wont Treat You If You Arent the Right Kind of Patient Is Closer Than You Might Think, Insanity Wrap: The Correct Take on Scott Adams, We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Feed My lambs, he instructed him. These sailors were not faithless, but believed Jonah. Matthews gospel is written to appeal to a Jewish audience to urge his fellow brethren Jews to accept the message of Jesus Christ. Then, when everyone had done eating, Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? 15 Yes, Lord, he acknowledged, you are aware of my affection for you. Feed my lambs, Jesus instructed. Peter's name was also Simeon-the same as the patriarch of one of the 12 tribes of Israel-which was shortened to Simon. Peter's original name was Simon, the Greek form of the Hebrew Simeon. Simon, the older son of a fisherman named Jonah, was born in Bethsaida. Community answers are sorted based on votes. Just as Jonah fled from the presence of the LORD, so did Peter deny the Christ, the Son of the living God, but God did not give up on either one of them, and used them both to save the Gentiles. Here are guidelines to help facilitate a meaningful learning experience for everyone. Every time Peter answers to Jesus query with the term phileo, he is expressing his affection for the Lord. (8) JONAH PREACHED TO THE SINFUL Ninevites, and they quickly believed and repented, but when God saved them, it angered Jonah, Jonah 3:4-4:1. Cepheus was a landman,earth-dweller, from profession; Hunter / Warrior = also Fisher The name "Simon" is common enough in the gospels, especially the Gospel of John. If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it on social media (Facebook or Twitter) using the links on the left. Take note of John 21:1-3: After these things, Jesus appeared to the disciples once again near the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way he revealed himself to them. There were twelve of his followers there: Simon Peter, Thomas named Didymus, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two additional disciples who were not present. We are susceptible to the vagaries of our human passions, strengths, and weaknesses. According to Jesus, From now on, you will be fishing for people. They abandoned everything that day in order to follow Jesus (Luke 5:1-11). Thou shalt refuse me three times. Peter responded to him by saying, Even though I die with thee, I will not deny thee. All of the disciples agreed on this, they stated. You are required to follow me., Your email address will not be published. Peter, along with James and John, was among the . All of this is referred to as dwelling in Him. Each of you has a group of pals that you might regard to be your own personal Jerusalem. Select a willing participant. Simon was the first disciple that Jesus called to follow him. Andrew was also the son of John (John 1:42) or Jonah (Matthew 16:17), a man we know almost nothing about. He was a visionary, and others were inspired by his example. .iconbox.av-av_icon_box-a22fa75bb57220ef977faa75a45be58c .iconbox_icon{ The Hebrew word used is FISH (i.e. Then he began cursing and swearing, claiming that he did not know who the man was. Say that after Jesus and the disciples had done eating, Jesus talked to Simon Peter in a private conversation. They are hard. 0 responses They werent even able to offer breakfast for their families. For three days and three nights, Jonah was in the belly of a fish crying out to God. He tells him, Feed my lambs, and he does. Peter was having a terrible time with this. It was in Galilee that the disciples were since Jesus had instructed them to travel there. What does Jesus ask Peter? Yes, Lord, you are aware of my affection for you, he said. In the reverse act we find Jesus simply baptizing the feet of the SON OF JONAS who asked that his head and hands also be cleaned, John 13:4-10. 2023 Copyright - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The Lord made Simon alone, whom he named Peter, the "rock" of his Church. (12) The Son of God has testified that the men of Nineveh are children of the resurrection and will be there to judge the earth, just because they believed Jonah, "the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold a greater than Jonas is here," Matthew 12:41. It was critical that Peter communicate the truth about Jesus to the large number of people who would come to trust in Him. First, notice that Jesus greets Peter by his given name, Simon, rather than by the nickname he gave him (Cephas = rock), and that he even includes the patronymic, son of Jonah/John, in his address to him. Vote Up Simon was originally . My wife, Therese, a businesswoman, joins other lay worshippers in a weekly prayer group called Daughters of Maryin which (among other things) one participant each week provides a spiritual reflection based on that weeks Gospel. I thought her insights well worth sharing, indeed better than my own this week, so the following is adapted from the notes for her oral presentation. The teaching is being given these days - as support of the notion that in order to reach spiritual maturity we must first submit ourselves to a "spiritual father" - that Jesus refers once to Simon Peter's physical father as Jonah ( Mt. It is incredible how quickly the Good News can spread! NIV And he brought him to Jesus. Simon, son of Jonah, the narrator says (John 21:15-17). We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Is the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge the same tree? Who is the man referred to as, "Jesus, who is also called Justus"? Jesus then abandons the analogy and asks Peter whether he loves Him with an unwavering commitment. The author points out that John uses the agapeword-group (in various forms) around 37 times (including Jn. He lived in Roma, Lazio, Italy in 42. He got the name "Peter" when Jesus said he'd build his church on this rock. Cassiopeia was the vain wife, Andromeida the manly daughter of Cefas. I am aware that he served as the sixteenth President of the United States. Jesus asked the question three times, not only to highlight the point, but also to provide Peter with an opportunity to be restored to his rightful place. Afterward, he addressed Him, saying, Lord, You are aware of all things; You are aware of my love for You. Feed My sheep, Jesus instructed him. After that, theres agape, the self-sacrificed, unconditional love. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham University) writes in the areas of biblical theology and ethics, but frequently trespasses beyond these bounds. (6) God prepared a fish to swallow Jonah 1:17, and he remained in its belly for three days and three nights. But Jonah hated Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, and deplored the fact that God had granted thousands of people there mercy for their idolatrous ways. As I read this gospel, I thought about rocks. The prophet Jonah, and Simon, the son of Jonas, better known as Peter, had reverse roles, but the Father taught both the same lesson. Peter and the successive heads of our church are like you and me in that we are all made by our Heavenly Father of flesh and blood. (4) The prophet JONAH was asleep in the ship when a tempest arose on the sea. I am familiar with him since I have spent a significant amount of time with him. He went into Nineveh, as God had asked him to do originally, and implored the people there to repent which they did! Why did Jesus call Peter "Simon Barjona" in Mt 16:17? Do you love Me more than you love these fish? Jesus asks them, and they respond affirmatively. Is the answer to the second and third questions the same or different? Simon was not Jonah's son but at two different times. View all posts by Alastair Roberts. Blessed are thou, Simon bar Jona Afterwards, you shall serve as My witnesses in Jerusalem. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. The one command Peter had to obey if he wanted to show any affection for Jesus. (Ask pupils to keep their signs down until you call them on it). The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before Me. But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. Exactly what was it that Peter was being recommissioned to perform, What did Jesus seem to be saying concerning Peters death, and do you think it was reassuring that he said it would not happen until Peter was old enough. Do you have feelings for Me? (See also John 21:17.) This was my wifes week to do so. A new study, OneBook: The Gospel of Johnby Ben Witherington, takes readers on a journey through one of the most treasured and essential Gospels in terms of comprehending the identity of the Son of God and his purpose in our society today. Pedro was a fisherman and worked with his brother and father. At that first meeting, Jesus called Simon "Cephas", which in Aramaic means "stone". Phone: 414-256-3200 You will be called Cephas' (which, when translated, is Peter). A stranger on the shore provided instructions that resulted in a capture so enormous that they were unable to bring the net in due to the large amount of fish. (See also John 21:6) When they arrived to the shore, they saw a fire of blazing coals there, with fish on it and some bread (John 21:9), which they immediately recognized as having been prepared by the Lord, whom they had now recognized. It is Peter's faith that will strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:32) and Peter is given Christ's flock to shepherd (John 21:17). Knowing the facts about someone will never cause you to fall in love with that person. Again Jesus said, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." John 21:16. Does the devil have power to make us sick? The man who figures generally as the leader of the twelve disciples in the NT usually bears the name Peter ( , G4377 ). You are the Messiah, the Son of the living G-d. The following morning, after eating a breakfast of fish on the shores of Tiberius with his followers, Jesus addresses Peter personally (John 21). He responds, Yea, Lord; thou knowst that I adore thee, he says. In contrast, Peter was still feeling the sting of having refused Jesus, but he was optimistic that their relationship would remain intact. In stating, Lord, You know all things; You know that I adore You, Peter was absolutely accurate (John 21:17). (Mark 6:20). Christ is replying to Peter Blessed are you Simon, son of the Living G-d, Christ parallels what Peter declares to Him. background-color:#990000; Rocks can be stable and substantial and can be unstable and dangerous. Simon, son of Jonah, was born in Bethsaida in Galilee in 11 B. C. His father Jonah was born into the Hebrew Tribe of Naphtali. Shop St. Peter. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. 17 Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me? he inquired of him for the third time. Holman Christian Standard Bible And Jesus responded, "Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven. Jesus was going to be leaving the disciples very soon, and the disciples were not prepared for it. Jonah's story is told in the short (just 48 verses) but powerful book of Jonah. (10) AFTER JONAH had preached, God taught him with a parable that He loves all His ignorant children who do not know their right hand from their left, being bound by Satan. "I'm sure you're aware of my affection for You." "Feed My lambs," Jesus instructed. Feed my lambs, he says to him, and he obeys. In doing so he calls his disciple "Simon." Jesus uses the equivalent of Peter's family name, Simon Bar-Jonah, which would literally mean "Simon, son of Jonah." Making specific reference to Peter's father emphasizes the point Jesus immediately makes about that knowledge. John 21:15-17 The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?". Simon Peters father was John or Jonah. Lets say his name was Jonah. But when the disciples at Jerusalem heard it, they were vexed into contention with Peter, Acts 11:1-3,17. Fishing was Peter's former livelihood, and he needed to move on to greater things. The New Testament states that Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter, and likewise a son of Jonah. The majority of Jesus disciples came from Galilee. Jesus first began teaching people in the open when he first began teaching them in the open. The second point to consider is whether or not there is a significant difference between the two terms. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Clarify The men in the ship woke him up and asked him to call on his God that the sea might be still, Jonah 1:4-6. He was not the one after whom the Old Testament book is named. If this describes you, please pay attention to what follows. N16W23377 Stone Ridge Drive The winds of Satan are blowing hard. Because God is sovereign, he is aware of all occurrences and will never be caught off guard by any of them. It is not acquired but revealed. What would be some verses from the Bible to save a marriage? Im @psephizo on Twitter, so follow me there. Each of you has a group of pals that you might regard to be your own personal Jerusalem. Then there are bigger groups of individuals, such as the children in your class or the members of your sports team. Simon Peter was one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. He even denies Jesus when Jesus is in the most need of his loyalty. My conviction in the love distinction was first disabused by reading the commentary of C K Barrett, and I originally found it difficult to be persuaded. (Bultmann is virtually alone among all of historys interpreters in failing to notice the similarity here.) He was unable to bear testimony to the Lamb. How much food did Jesus produce? 16 He asked him a second time, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me? He replied to him a third time, Do you love Me? Yes, Lord; You are aware of my affection for You, he said. Is there a difference between a lamb and a sheep concerning the faith? According to the chapters opening words, these would be the fish, which would refer to the fishing business that Peter had returned to after ignoring his duty to Jesus Christ. Why would he do so this time? Discover ourOneBook: Daily-WeeklyBible study, which includes this article as part of the collection. = mountain, rock Rocks stabilize things and rocks can also break things. Jonah was the son of Amittai, who came from Gath-hepher in Zebulun (called Gittah-hepher in Joshua 19:10-13 ). Jesus addressed him each time theatrically as "Simon, son of Jonah", not as Peter, the name always previously used by Jesus, as if to humiliate Peter in front of the other . Mark 16:20 (KJV) Props: a number of signs, each having the name of a different nation written on them. Maybe hes wincing on the inside because hes still thinking about the threefold question that he was asked in front of the fire, and this third question of Jesus is both a painful reminder of his failure and the excruciating process of healing that wound, just as we wince in pain when someone pulls out a splinter or thorn from our hand that has embedded itself in the skin. So his fathers name was either John or Jonah. Jesus identifies Simon Peter as the Rock of His new Church. Share Peters perspective was shifted as a result of the adjustment. AREAS OF MINISTRYLearn about the many aspects of WELS ministry work. Because the Lord was with them, and because of the miracles they performed, their message was confirmed. He was not afraid to obey the Holy Ghost, and he was already at Joppa, Acts 10:19-23. 17 Simon son of John, do you love me? he said of him on the third occasion. background-color:#990000; The same can be said about following Jesus in whatever we do; He will do incredible things in our life if we do so. In John 1:42 and in John 21:15, Simon is called the "Son of John." Although John and Jonah sound alike in both Hebrew and English, they are not the same name. "Simon", his first name means "He has heard". Then Peter answers "you are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And then Christ confirms his promise: "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for it is not flesh and blood that has revealed . Which of the following is the most likely? God reproves Jonah for his disdain of the Ninevites and explains to Jonah that His mercy is for everyone who will repent not only his chosen children, the Israelites. Mark and Luke tell us he was coming back from the country. He received it and went on, reluctantly. Since that relationship had been compromised by Peter's denial of Jesus, Simon was being called Simon until that relationship could be re-established, which is what Jesus does in this passage. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Has the book of Amos been fulfilled or is it a reference to end times? In every nation whoever believes with all his heart in the Lord Jesus is accepted of God. Report, June 02 2017 I do realize that Peter was one of two Simon disciples. Jesus Restores Peter - So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Feed My lambs." He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him . 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why is peter called simon, son of jonah