Arrived in Perth Australia

Taking into account flight time and time differences we arrive in Perth Australia at 4 am looking forward to getting to a b&b for some sleep. Got very little sleep on the plane as ended up watching 2 films instead, American pie the reunion and savages.


Getting a Taxi in Perth

Anyway managed to get outside of the airport without making an appearance on the tv program nothing to declare and went to find a taxi. Quite a different experience to taxi’s in Thailand, no help with your bags here, we didn’t even get an Aussie just some grumpy eastern European sounding women! Didn’t seem to have any concept that we didn’t know where we were going either kept asking which way she should go….

She obviously interpreted my blank looks as the correct way to go and got us to the right place in good time. Arriving at our destination we basically enter the house and pretty much went straight to sleep for about 6 hours. We then thought we would have a look around Perth, just as we were leaving the guy who owns the house got back from work. His name was Marty and was from New Zealand, don’t worry he was nothing like that Mr Woods we have working in the office, he was a really nice bloke. Only joking Robert you know I love you really!;) How you enjoying the lack of me and Tim bickering or has he found someone else to bicker with? Anyway, he pointed us in the right direction for Perth city centre, which was about 25/30 mins walk away.


Quick look around Perth city centre

On getting into Perth city we realised its actually quite small, so we had a walk down to the swan river and along finding some outdoor exercise equipment by the river. Of course, we had to have a go!! Then we walked a little further to kings park.

Kings Park was pretty nice, the views of the city and the river were amazing. We then went to find the DNA tower which turned out to be two metal staircases in the shape of DNA(as the name suggests!). There were some pretty good views from the top too, although most people were using it as exercise/ warm-up equipment!

We then walked up to northbridge and for something to eat and after having a look in a few places, we decided on Hogsbreath cafe(I know what your all thinking, yes Martin does take me to all the classy places! Ha) it didn’t turn out to be too bad apart from the staff who all seemed to be from the special employment agency! And I only had to ask for my glass of wine 3 times after I had waited for ages then they brought the wrong one!

First impressions of Perth……well it’s bloody expensive! Especially compared to Thailand, but even compared to the UK! $10 for a pint!