
Coffee in Melbourne – how good is it and where should I try

coffee in melbourneSo where is the best coffee in Melbourne, it is said to be world-renowned for the quality and love of its coffee, although I’m not sure if this renowned status has simply been decided by Melbourne itself or it is actually world famous. Maybe its a bit like the world series baseball which obviously doesn’t include teams from all over the world.

Anyway, let us get back to coffee I am a big coffee fan and can safely say the best coffee I have tried has been in Melbourne and it is significantly better than anything else I have ever tasted. But this is only one place two places now) I have found, and although I would say coffee, in general, is better in Melbourne than the UK they are not all this good and it’s only really because there are a lot of smaller independent cafes, as opposed to the bigger chains that don’t really cater for my taste in coffee. Also maybe there are coffee places just a good in the UK I just haven’t tried them.

So how do I like my coffee

My problem is that I don’t really like my coffee to taste milky, in fact, I would prefer it to be strong even if the coffee taste isn’t as nice, maybe a bit bitter rather than it being milky. The perfect coffee used to be a cappuccino with a nice tasting coffee where the milk kind of sits on the top and does not melt into the coffee but adds the velvety/creamy flavour with each sip. Very rare, and would almost never happen in a takeaway cup. Cafe Nero and Muffin break probably offered the most consistent version from the UK big/bigger chains.

Most popular coffee in Melbourne Australia

Well as I have mentioned Melbourne are self-confessed lovers of coffee but there is still no getting away from big boys, yes Maccas or Mcdonalds to you and I, yes we do shorten the name to mcd’s even Maccas etc but it actually says Maccas on the restaurants in Melbourne. Anyway, they are the biggest coffee seller followed by 7-eleven.

7-Eleven is only $1 (about 50/55p) and is actually ok probably as good as many of the chains in the UK so is actually the first place I would recommend anyone landing in Oz to get a coffee from, maybe you will like it maybe you won’t. But if you do you now have a source of coffee on every corner in the city and petrol stations around Australia for $1…bargin. It also passes my test of not being too milky and the taste is OK, I do have to have my usual one sugar in it, whereas the best places I have stopped having sugar as it tastes so nice without.  Many people will likely scoff at this recommendation but its ok and as good as many coffee places charging fours times as much. but yes like I mention there are better but do you want to pay $4+ for every coffee and you are not always going to be close to your favourite coffee house.


So where to get the best coffee in Melbourne

Well, this is currently my top places in Melbourne, I was going to list all the ones I have tried and not liked as much but it seemed unfair because its just my taste and I know people that like them. If you like good tasting coffee but a bit milkier I would say Melbourne will be your dream coffee place. Having said that my two places seem to feature in most peoples other top list. Such as the best coffee in Melbourne

1 – Patricia

patricia coffee

Amazing coffee and actually totally changed my mind about what coffee should taste like. If you’re in the city you should definitely check this place out. when you first go you won’t really be able to comprehend what’s going on, if you’re lucky you will notice a door and unit with no signs to indicate what it is. The only reason you will know you’re in the correct place is that there will be a queue of people coming out of the none descript place and people sat all over the little side street(in the week that is).  Make sure you ask for a free water if they don’t offer it while you wait, even though this is just carbonated water for some reason it tastes really nice and is a perfect preparation for the coffee. Also if anyone wants to understand what good efficient customer service is, i.e. the type that makes you go back rather than avoid the place go here.

2 – Brother baba budan

From a coffee point of view, this is just as good if not better then Patricia. The only reason I have left Patricia top is brother baba budan coffeethat I have only recently found this place and Patricia has been this good consistently for a good few months, plus brother baba budan don’t seem to do the water (pallet cleanser) and the whole experience is not quite as nice as Patricia. Just as epic coffee though so if this is nearer give them a try.



In summary, try 7-eleven for a $1 coffee that will probably be as good as what you have had before and is a perfectly good coffee at an awesome price. Visit Patricia, brother baba or any other that make it onto my list above to take your coffee experience to a new level. There are many other places in Melbourne that sit in between these levels so my recommendation is to give them all a try. The examples above are really there to let you know where the bar is set for a good coffee in Melbourne now go see if you can find somewhere that reaches this level or even beats it.