bpd relationship destroyed me

A borderline personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called emotionally unstable personality disorders. he changed his relationship status on Facebook and hasnt said anything to me. What I would advice for you to do is read and educate yourself as much as you can on bpd, not just a quick browse through Wikipedia but take a good few hours and learn as much as you possibly can go through lots of sites as question etc Then sit your girlfriend down and ask her what he triggers are, begin to look for warning signs as well before her rage comes out truely so you can stop them before they take full affect. Man. If this is whats happening to you, its important that you stop checking up on your ex and cease all contact immediately. How she found child porn on his laptop, how he forced her to fulfill his sick sexual needs. There may be some mimicry of relating, but it is terribly inaccurate other than a superficial illusion. If she is having a bad day about her body imagine remind her of how beautiful she is, even if she denies it tell her that in your eyes she is amazing and nothing will change your mind. Manage Settings That said, many people with Borderline Personality Disorder display similar patterns of behavior that are incredibly hard to deal with often because they didnt want their actions or had no control over them. 1 reason BPD-diagnosed people initiate therapy is because of stress in relationships. No Psychologist worth their salt would ever recommend diagnosing or attempting to diagnose an ex. People with this disorder experience wide mood swings with sudden and intense anger, which . This convinced her that I really did cheat on her. When their partner attempts to explain how they are taking them in the wrong way, the splitting person becomes more defensive, causing their partner to blame them in return. Youre too close to diagnose someone and only psychiatrists can do so. Can't wait to read the next chapter ! but realise that it is just as terrifying for a borderline to witness the actions and words happening and not being able to break through the numbness that has suddenly occured. Wow, makes me think of my ex was but he was not this extreme. Hardly any of this is true. Former model, really beautiful girl. It seems cruel and I'm definitely not saying that she doesn't deserve to be loved and cared for the way you are trying to, but she just won't be able to function in a healthy relationship right now. Its better to be temporarily lonely than be a chew toy. God the sex. Hi everyone Im totally new to this forum so just wanna say a big hello. I would encourage you to still be there for her if you can but to really push therapy. Instead of feeling bad about themselves, their partner is considered bad for causing their feelings. I was raised differently. There are two ways to answer that question. If you constantly find yourself trying to fix a broken person or if your spouse is actively manipulating you for their gain (financial or otherwise), then perhaps you need to change something about yourself to keep going forward in life. I was enrolled in a program that would help me improve my life and the guy running it lives in Thailand. Ill never understand I know it was all fake but how? He's fucking cheating on me, I knew it!" You have a wide platform, and a lot of followers. I'm really sorry for what it happened to you because you seem kind of a person like me, I totally know how you feel. It is better to encourage than it is to criticize. Whereas if your partner arrives late, he is seen as uncaring or rejecting. I wouldn't solely blame this on your BPD girlfriend. Being late triggers past wounds of feeling unwanted, which becomes so overwhelming that they need to be projected outside of themselves. Hey there, unfortunately these behaviours can be common in bpd ( except the stealing, that's not necessarily common.I don't know what triggered that).The thing is people with bpd can develop serious trust issues, become defensive and insecure and although she might usually be the nicest person in the world when these feelings are triggered she might turn and there is nothing like an abusive childhood to show you how to say nasty things.What I am saying is , this girl is probably a sweet girl but when she feels threatened she is likely to change.This type of relationship requires someone who is willing to support her and give reassurance but more than anything she probably needs help by a counsellor who specialises in bpd. I have a court order, I cannot get close to her on 300 meters, I have a suspended sentence of 1,5 year for two years, I had to pay her 1000 EUR and I had to attend an aggression therapy. Now I want nothing to do with her. She also mentioned she loves sex and she cant stop fantasizing about me. Nevertheless, it still hurts that I essentially lost all of my friends. If he or she cant, your ex can ask you directly for help, or better yet, get professional help. When a BPD person is splitting, they may distort how they see things. You have failed to do this, so I doubt you are even degree educated. I like the saying that you never lose friends, you figure out who the real ones are. Thank you for this article, Zan. not just emotional dips, like brain under activity and lack of normal optimism and security). She sounds pretty evil. When they break up, they often forget the positive things about their partner, until the partner has gone. Exactly bro, some info is accurate but most of it is just making us out to be monsters. And I did, because of my son. Your friends and your girlfriend started confirming their suspicion towards each other, fueling their believe that you would be cheating. Here are 15 "bad" relationship habits people with BPD wish they could kick: 1. They crave intimacy and affection and tend to experience waves of separation anxiety and a fear of losing control. But, with this influence also comes a great responsibility. I was 24, she was 32 at the time. Only a couple of weeks. Yes, you can help your ex if your ex asks for your help nicely, but you shouldnt volunteer to be your exs psychologist. After one of the company parties, I had to transport my drunk friend to my apartment and she started calling me franticly to come to her place. They think they need to go from one roller coaster ride to the next without stopping or theyll get bored and feel unfulfilled. 2) Why was I attracted to someone with BPD? They made fun of it or thought Im crazy. Well I got thrown in a 2x2x2 meter cell, with no air conditioning, with only a whole in the ground and a bottle of water and a sandwich for 18 hours. This is why most borderline people appear very clingy, angry, nagging, desperate, controllingand extremely emotional at times. I have been NC with her for about a month now. Continue with Recommended Cookies. But it was all a lie. She took away my son and does she did not let me see him. That might give away your power of knowledge about them. I learnt a lot in the process of detaching, but also hurt badly. 1 I also had to turn my back on my family and most of my friends. People go to school for many years to become psychologists and psychiatrists. Its quite the opposite. Maybe that is something to think about? "It really sucks how one bad relationship with a person with BPD can destroy your entire reputation.". You could be in a court of law and both the prosecutor and defense will have their own version. Borderline Personality Disorder message board, open discussion, and online support group. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. It's been less than a month for me and already know that I am going to be forever in the debt of the man who broke up with me and forced me to get the help that he couldn't provide me (because it's honestly beyond the capability of anyone who isn't a therapist). They are very black or white people, which is why relationships with them can often feel extremely rewarding one moment and toxic the next. For me, that was it. They do this because they wish to be one step ahead of their partners. Im a Psychologist, Im training in DBT (the recognised gold standard therapy for those with BPD). When the BPD person is caught in the negative side of the split, anything her partner says will be seen as if he is bad (unloving or uncaring) because it brings up how bad she feels (not good enough). Then poof! the problem occurse when a trigger gets so bad a borderline shut down. Im not condoning my ex-wifes behavior and believe people need to be held accountable for their actions. 2 They're also prone to Stay strong and know yourselves and your truth (and find some help if youre really struggling). And just like Zan, you dont have your credentials listed either. I will write everything down here (its part of my therapy). And they do this transition in a matter of seconds without much remorse or consideration for their partner. I packed my things, took my son and moved to my parents. But generally speaking, the nicer you express yourself, the higher the chances that your ex wont react negatively. Unfortunately, we have not come further than this in 2021 either. We were married and had kids together. She started sending hundreds of text how she loved me, she was sorry. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When they find that person, they almost immediately start using that person as their punching bag to repeatedly project their emotional struggles onto him or her. We are social creatures; healthy relationships are vital to healthy lives. GF: "U don't think he's cheating, do u? I also think that you need to take control of the situation more. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. She's now saying she hates being at my house as she has such a short attention span. And I did, because of my son. Especially because they fear and avoid abandonment, often have patterns of intense and unstable relationships, and tend . Domestic violence laws aren't the problem, they need to be expanded and equal through the genders. It hurts a lot tbh, we dont have a self-inflated ego. "Vent", as you guys call it. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a146d6d9d2e467f That evening she didnt love me anymore and now Im hated. Always. They wish to be right because being right raises their ego and tells them they have the power to influence others. Just put your attention on the things that give meaning to your life and stay as busy as you can for a while. One day I left my laptop opened and left she read it all. Everything else was your exs responsibility and completely out of your control. It really sucks how one bad relationship with a person with BPD can destroy your entire reputation. Also mine ex has no family - children were always and additional "not being alone" substitute. Things Move Quickly. Here is what I wish I had known before dating my ex-girlfriend, who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder: Theyre in constant need of attention and. The feelings get pushed down, out of ones awareness because they are painful. Its important to remember that BPD isnt something your child chooses, and there are many things you can do to get them back on track. Destroyed my relationship BPD. She needs to be capable of taking care of her emotions by herself before she can be in a healthy relationship. When I read stuff like that it makes me feel good because I didn't have to endure stuff like that. I have chosen to keep quiet about my diagnosis due to articles and attitudes like this. In this moment the person with BPD sees everything as bad in the triggering person as if they caused them to feel this way. sometimes luring me with good deeds and then . My Ex Is Drinking/Partying After A Breakup. This often leads to impulsive actions such as spending too much money or having unsafe sex. Setting Boundaries. Every time I get too close to someone, I become vulnerable, and my anxious attachment style bleeds out". She hid her medical appointments or data from me. How To Get An Ex Back (Even If She Has A Boyfriend), Dating A Girl With BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), Dating a Man with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), Dating Someone With BPD: Boundaries, Respect, Love and More. Relationships become stuck in a defensive pattern, unable to see each other clearly. Your ex was the one responsible for staying in love with you and for dealing with BPD. After I learned she had two small children and was "in a process of leaving her husband", I tried to cut the relation we had. She was angry because of all my previous relationships and now she had knowledge about them. I had to do homework with her kids. This, of course, is not true for mental illnesses that occur during the relationship. Thats a classic sign of BPD. No need to warn the next person either. Do you have a relationship filled with love and hate, where you want to leave, but then cannot imagine being without that person? I hope someday I feel free from this pain and gain my lessons. First, every relationship is different. When Your Husband Takes Everything As Criticism? Your IP: Has she just begun seeing another man; Does she frequently go on and on about her ex-boyfriend; Does she exhibit erratic behavior that makes absolutely no sense; Take your time to get to know someone before believing they are the one or thinking something is meant to be. They may respond by blaming them, causing the splitting defense to destroy relationships. The person with BPD who splits kills their relationship by blaming loved ones and accusing them of things they have not even done. This is indeed a common problem. The other 2 types are narcissistic breakups and bipolar breakups as they also bring their own set of challenges. Thats hard to do after discovering infidelity. But, it's still hard getting over the good times that I did have with them. And when they win those battles (accomplish what theyve been after all along), they change their scarce mindset to an abundant mindset and put themselves at risk of detaching. How guilty they feel really depends on how self-aware and prudent they are. When you believe that your partner is causing you pain, the relationship becomes unbearable. I dont want her back but dont want to be hated either. One of the primary characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is emotion dysregulation. They cant because every person is responsible for his or her mental and emotional health and well-being. I completely agree with this comment. Do you hold onto hurt and cannot let it go? Thanks for the advise people, I really do want to take this on head first but I'm finding it so hard to deal with, yes she has met some of my female friends but not all. Theyre used to fighting for love and recognition, so they feel that theyve gotten as much out of the relationship as they could. This subreddit is an abuse support forum. Keep strong and kite up bro! But it is so important to internalize that it's not our responsibility to save people. A paste that falls on its own unreasonableness as this is not something you get infected by. It hard to let go of that feeling, unless they do something reckless to unleash the anger, causing the borderline splitting to sabotage relationships. Be aware of it, and manage it with care. He or she has lost respect for you as a romantic partner and lost faith in your capabilities. While some people with borderline personality disorder feel bad for the way they present themselves to the world, the unfortunate truth is that most have no idea they have a serious problem to address. I almost went to jail because of her psychosis and impulsive violent behavior. Why Are Prefab Sports Buildings Getting Popular? I admit that it is hard to believe the story with the sex worker. Weve created a quick list for you of symptoms that may indicate someone has BPD. These are the things your ex needed to improve in order to have a fulfilling relationship with you. How I am currently the only person that keeps her sane. The person with borderline personality disorder can take things the wrong way, often thinking that their partner is putting them down when they are offering feedback. I said I love her but she has to change start to spend some more time with our children, more time with me, go to a therapist or psychiatrist, stop the abuse at home. At least not behavior-wise because their negative behavior is deep-rooted and has no incentive to change. Always grateful. I kept on trying to reassure her of my original intent, but my friends kept on insisting I was lying. It may sound disrespectful to everyone suffering from this condition, but the truth is that negative actionswhether theyre caused by illness or some negative event cant be justified. Based on the American Psychiatric Association (APA), borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that includes difficulty managing emotions and behavior, unstable moods, patterns of erratic relationships, and issues with self-image. Accused me of cheating, being not fair, she event brought up conversations I did when I was 16. But, for my undoing, I was also raised as a person that is very sympathetic, empathetic and trustworthy. Press J to jump to the feed. However your not alone. You cant imagine how much I needed to hear this before. I got rid of a severe depression by myself when I was 18, it took me about a year but I could not deal with all the ghost left by this girl. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. That has been my worst nightmare for really long because I'm like you, I can't leave a kid and I know she wants a kid from me, she wants a genius beautiful kid, I get shivers just thinking it. When a BPD person is splitting, they may distort how they see things. After I came back, it was hell broke loose. Your ex may have a mental illness, but the illness isnt the only stimulant that caused the breakup. Yeah, I know that I shouldn't want to hang out with these people. Add BPD and it must be a living nightmare. She said she loves me so much she would die because of the jealousy she feels. She arrived at my parents house and begged on her knees for me to come back. 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