Phi Phi island

Today we have booked to go back to Koh phi phi Phi Phi island as we didn't get enough time there on our day trip, so we just booked a ferry there and back. It cost us about £10 each, this also included transfers from the hotel and back to the hotel.

We got the first ferry at 8.30am and arrived at Tonsai bay about 10.30am. It was the slowest boat in the world!!!

We set off for a walk around the island and ended up walking through the village where the tsunami hit a few years ago. On our way through the village there was some little huts that you can stay in for £6 a night! Not sure what the facilities were like inside!! We then saw some signs for a viewpoint so decided to take a look. Not to ruin the theme of the holiday so far, it was up a steep incline of steps!! so of course we had to climb them in the mid 30c heat!!! When we finally made it to the top, having lost about a stone in sweat, it was definitely worth it. The views were stunning!

After returning down the hill we went to look at the beach and a few more of the shops. We then Stumbled past a bar showing the Japanese F1 qualifying. Which was a little confusing as we were looking forward to watching this when we got back the mainland Phuket at about 7pm!!! Turns out we had our times all confused and it was on now. Could have been worse at least we got to watch qualy 2 and 3 here while having some lunch! We then had a wander down some more streets and did a bit of shopping and then it was time to head to the port to get the ferry back as the last ferry back was 2.30pm which isn't very late, although it does take 2 hours to get back:-((