Hippie camper sydney

Sydney Hippie camper and setting off for Uluru

Today was going to be a busy day as we had our Sydney Hippie camper to pick up at 10 am, then drive back to where we had been staying to pick up all our luggage, leave the camper there then get the bus into Sydney to have a quick look up the pylon lookout in the harbour bridge as we got free tickets with the bridge climb. We then had to run round to Darling harbour have a quick bit of lunch, ready to see the new James Bond Film at 3pm!!. After Bond we had to get back and pick our camper up, grab some tea before finally setting off and leaving Sydney!!

Picking up the Hippie camper

So to explain a bit more about the day. It turns out picking up the hippie camper wasn’t quite as straight forward as we thought it might be. We first of all had to wait for about 15 mins for somebody to become free to serve us. While we were waiting we were given a form to fill out, the same one they had already asked us to fill out online, so not sure what the point in the online one was put anyway

Then we get called over to finally start the handover. We first of all have to hand over our driving licences so they can be photocopied, so she goes away comes back and says martins licence has expired which might be a problem she says. We quickly point out she is looking at the valid from date!! Then she had to take a security bond, so we gave her our pre paid travel card and all was good.

Then after a little more discussion we decide to take some insurance out so she took the card again and then brought it back for us to sign. On looking at the receipt she had processed the payment in gbp which were weren’t allowed to do on our card it was only for foreign currency so we had been charged for the transaction! Questioning this she really didn’t have a clue what was going on and she had to call the manager over and after much discussion admitted it was there fault and gave us the charge back.

Read the terms and ask manager to confirm

Then reading the terms and conditions it said we weren’t allowed to go into northern territory and as that’s where we were headed decided to question it. She told us we would be fine as long as we stuck to sealed roads. Finally time to go out to the van and the manager showed us round it and while telling us how the fridge worked realised the battery was dead, so got somebody to swap it. While we were waiting we got his opinion on Alice springs and the rock and he had never been. Anyway new battery in we were ready to go!! It had to get better from here right?!!!

I won’t bore you much more I’ll just say we saw Bond on the worlds biggest IMAX which was amazing!! The screen was 10 times bigger than a normal cinema screen, it felt like you were in the film!! Bond was ace as well!!

Hippie camper sydney
Hippie camper sydney
Hippie camper inside