advantages of subsurface drainage

Blind connections can be provided with special arrangements so that the field drains can be cleaned by flushing without having to excavate and dismantle the connection (Fig. Answer: SURFACE DRAINAGE * components: 1. cross slope or camber 2. road side drains 3. cross drains eg. At the most, this may consist of a pipe collector system. Wet, soggy fields can delay tillage, planting, spraying, and harvest operations. 4.2B shows how it should not be done. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Hydrologic performance with field crops (1973-80) and V. Corn, oats and soybean yields (1973-80). Diameter of the pipes, range from 50 mm to 100 mm. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Skaggs, R.W. The watertable contour maps are useful in determining the direction of groundwater flaw, the location and extent of the high watertable areas and the configuration of the watertable surface within and adjacent to, any wet area. Wet, soggy fields can delay tillage, planting, spraying, and harvest operations. 4.3. Singular drainage system has many pipe outlets, which are vulnerable to damage. A second example (Fig. In the real world, topography and system layout determine drains actual depths. Broadly speaking, surface drainage is the removal of excess water from the surface of the land. Crops grown in these conditions may grow more uniformly. Where available, drop inlets and other permanent structures are suitable for stabilizing the outlet. Improved surface and subsurface drainage is necessary for some Minnesota soils to optimize the crop environment and reduce production risks. The advantages and disadvantages of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) as compared to alternative irrigation systems are conceptually discussed. The methodological process for defining the drainage retention capacity of surface layers under conditions of . The reason for this is that Chapter Depending upon the depth to which the piezometers or observation wells are to be located, the installation could be done either by driving in or using a high pressure water jet or by the percussion method. A major drawback of the latter two alternatives is that the field drains are only on one side of the collector. Surface drainage utilizes waterways, ditches, and other means to help direct excess water off a field and into larger streams and rivers . (Source: Cavelaars et al., 1994). If not well maintained, subsurface drainage systems can contribute to contamination issues. Subsurface drainage is the removal of excess water from the root zone. Table 4 shows an example for a Blue Earth series soil. Corn, oats and soybean yields (1962-1972). If these are improperly accounted for, it can result in installation and performance problems. Transactions of the ASAE, 31, 133-141. Subsurface drainage systems in paddy fields have been found to be successful in Japan. . "The payback potential is solid, depending on the details for a given farm. For groundwater, the drainage base is the water level or the hydraulic head in the field drains, whether they are pipes or open drains. To design a pipe drainage layout in such an area implies continuous compromises (Cavelaars et al., 1994). Each category (advantages and disadvantages) is. The Minnesota Drainage Guide contains a table of drain spacing recommendations for many soils in Minnesota. 2. Singular systems with open collector drains are feasible in the areas where the infrastructure has been fully remodelled under a land consolidation scheme (e.g., as in Iraq), or in newly reclaimed areas. FAO (1985). Fig. Drainage is practiced in agricultur. Water enters throughout the mole drains and is guided to the outlet. Each category (advantages and disadvantages) is subdivided into three groups: 1) Water and soil issues; 2) Cropping and cultural practices, and 3) System infrastructure issues. Location of the collector adapted to the contour lines. Sodded shoulders have some advantages in preventing erosion, but they tend to keep the shoulder material and the underlying subgrade in a moist and soft . Kanwar, R.S., Baker, J.L., & Mukhtar, S. (1988). Table 2 shows the desired amount of water removed, in terms of inches per 24 hours. i. Content Guidelines 2. Poorly drained lands are usually topographically situated so that when drained, they may be farmed with little or no erosion hazard. However, this could lead . There may be reasons to close or reduce pipe outflow temporarily (e.g., if the field is under rice). This can increase the amount of crops produced and less equipment required. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Besides flow capacity, design drainage systems to provide a certain minimum velocity of flow so it self-cleans or self-scours. 4.10. Implementing nitrogen fertilizer best management practices can reduce the potential loss of nitrate-N. However, in irrigated areas with a rather complex infrastructure of roads, irrigation canals, and small farm plots (e.g., as in Egypt), composite systems are generally preferred (Cavelaars et al., 1994). 6. Benefits of mole drains The primary benefit of mole drains is its low cost. A composite pipe system, supplemented by an independent system of shallow surface drains could be another option. Field topography and outlet location/elevation typically are the major factors considered in planning a drainage system layout, with topography greatly influencing what layout alternatives are possible. 4.6). The advantages and disadvantages of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) as compared to alternative irrigation systems are conceptually discussed. The same sump-pump system pushes water back into the pipes in mid-season for subsurface irrigation. Several computer software packages have been developed, out of which most popular software package is DRAINMOD (Skaggs, 1980). A regular pattern can be installed if the pipe drainage network uniformly covers the project area. 3. The general public, resource managers and others are concerned about surface inlets potential impacts to both the quality and quantity of downstream waters. Account Disable 12. However, HMA pavements can fail because of subgrade support deterioration as a result of excessive moisture or other water-related problems. Its also important to know the equipments limitations. The layout of a pipe drainage system is called a random system when only scattered wet spots of an area need to be drained, often as a composite system (Fig. Aeration of rootzone for maximum development of the plant roots. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Within this range, a number of standard spacings should be selected beforehand, each standard differing from the next one by a factor of 1.25 to 1.5 (Cavelaars et al., 1994). 5 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Subsurface Drainage Systems, 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Subsurface Irrigation, Proudly powered by If you need to convey surface water to the subsurface drainage system through surface inlets, NRCS guidelines suggest using the drainage coefficients in Table 2, depending on inlet and soil type. Minnesota farmland drainage: Profitability and concerns. Subsurface irrigation systems is growing in importance today. It allows efficient movement of traffic. Quick-sand layers are sandy layers that develop sloughing when saturated, and they pose a great risk of rapid sedimentation and of misalignment of the pipeline. Drainage is often a necessity as a result of excess water that accumulates from low efficiencies in the conveyance and application of water for irrigation. Prepared at regular intervals, those maps indicate the seasonal variation of affected areas. At this point the depth is noted. A drain envelope, or sock, is a material placed around a drain pipe to provide either hydraulic function, which facilitates flow into the drain, or barrier function, which prevents certain-sized soil particles from entering the drain. 18.3.2 Darcy's Law Darcy's law provides a means of calculating seepage flow rates and velocities in saturated soils. Surface-water inlets can be built into the drain in places where surface water is likely to accumulate. The watertable contours are plotted in the same way as surface contour lines arc plotted. Tile drainage can transform poorly drained fields, facilitating timely planting in wet springs, increasing rooting depth, and . Wind obstructions may be necessary with a subsurface irrigation system to prevent off-site air transportation of effluent. Although these losses can be reduced, they cannot be entirely eliminated. Image Guidelines 4. 4.9 shows an example of a regulating device for sub-collector flow, to be installed in a manhole. Pipe drainage layout adapted to a uniform slope of the land surface: (A) Collector in the direction of the slope;(B) Field drains in the direction of the slope; (C) Collector and field drains at an angle to the slope. When the brass cylinder hits the water level a characteristic ping noise is heard and at this point the depth is noted. Minnesota Drainage Guide. In some areas leaching of soluble salts through a drainage system is essential before the land can be developed. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The two main types of outlets for pipe drainage systems are (Schwab et al., 2005): gravity outlet and pump outlet. They are covered with an envelope material in certain cases and the soil is backfilled. Location of field drains in relation to field topography: (A) Well-adapted; (B) Poorly adapted. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. The lack of one may overwhelm and saturate the capacity of the soil to absorb water, which could lead to extensive flooding and changes in landscape structure. 4.5. If the upper soil layer is very shallow, pipe drainage is not likely to be appropriate at all. Chapter 6, Training Manual, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, UG Courses - Agricultural Engineering (Version 2.0). Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. There are two main types of connections: blind junctions and manholes (or inspection chambers). Schwab, G.O., Fangmeier, D.D., Elliot, W.J. Two possible types are blind inlets and open inlets. 4.4. Plants and grass grow better with increased soil aeration. This software is accessible in state SCS offices and has been accepted by many extension and research engineers in the humid states (Schwab et al., 2005). 5. (Source: Cavelaars et al., 1994), 4.3.3 Structures of Pipe Drainage Systems. It consists of a root zone of good permeability, overlying a slowly-permeable clay horizon, followed by a permeable subsoil of coarse-textured soil or well- structured clay. Schwab, G.O., Fausey, N.R., Desmond, E.D., & Holman, J.R. (1985). Blind inlet for surface water into a pipe drain. Diameter rating<br />When installing subsoil drains, in any situation other than USGA sand, use clean washed sand. Bull. When an infrastructure exists, it has almost certainly been designed without consideration being given to a pipe drainage system. The removal of excess water from fields is dependent on surface and subsurface drainage. Where the drainage system is connected to other pipe drains, the outlet should have sufficient capacity to carry the additional discharge. In a singular pipe drainage system, each field pipe drain discharges into an open collector drain. To assure an effective and profitable system, it's important to couple a good design process with the thorough evaluation of such on-site factors as soil type, topography, outlet placement and existing wetlands. Benefits of Subsurface Drainage: Provision of subsurface drainage in agricultural lands results in the following benefits: 1. Size and shape of fields. Pump outlets may be considered where the water level at the outlet is higher than the bottom of the pipe outlet for any extended period. Fig. Tables 6 to 8 show the potential land area that can be drained with various grades, drain sizes and pipe materials using 1/4-, 3/8- and 1/2-inch drainage coefficients. Drain off ponds and marshes. ADVANTAGES OF SURFACE IRRIGATION It removes excess water caused by heavy rainfall. (Eds.). Topographical constraints typically determine pipe grade, so the pipe size is determined after the material is selected (e.g., corrugated polyethylene pipe, smooth interior pipe, etc.). In addition to these benefits, subsurface irrigation can be an eco-friendly move. Other benefits are improved soil physical properties and increased crop yield in heavy clay soil. 4.1A). 4.1B), or a herringbone system wherein they join at sharp angles (Fig. This maximizes the probability of designing subsurface drainage features that perform as intended. 4.5B). Drain depth. Benefits Of Subsurface Farm Drainage / Tiling . (Source: Cavelaars et al., 1994). Take a look at some of the reported benefits or advantages of subsurface irrigation systems: There is an immediate reduction in costs simply because there is no need for a worker to water plants since the subsurface irrigation waters automatically. Determining how close is close enough involves balancing costs and benefits. For installing these recorders, larger diameter wells are needed for the float mechanism. The steady-state criterion for the calculation of the drain spacing, often expressed as the ratio q/h (i.e., drainage coefficient divided by the hydraulic head midway between the drains), is generally based on average monthly or seasonal values and the design discharges for the hydraulics of drainage pipes on higher, less frequent, peak discharges as may occur during a shorter period, e.g., 10 days (Cavelaars et al., 1994). These open drains have disadvantages as discussed in Section 4.2, but they may be desirable for other reasons, for example, to provide open water storage and additional surface drainage in high-rainfall areas. Moreover, an indigenous and user-friendly software package named DrainSolver has been developed by Prof. Madan Kumar Jha of IIT Kharagpur (developer of this course) which facilitates computer-aided design of surface and subsurface drainage systems, simulation of subsurface flow to drains, computation of design drain discharge and leaching requirements, economic analysis of drainage systems, and the analysis of special drainage problems. Fig. But to take advantage of this extra growth, more cows and farm improvements (including a feedpad) may be necessary. Additionally, it will need to be maintained on a regular basis to ensure it functions correctly. Depths are in the range of 0.8 to 1 m. Grades adopted range from 1/100 to 1/600 in order to keep sufficient velocity in the pipes. Advantage: Reduces Soil Erosion Over time, stagnant water accumulated can make soil muddy, which in turn can cause soil to erode. Example: Find the flow capacity needed to drain 80 acres with a 1/2 inch per day drainage coefficient: Q(cfs) = 80 acres x 0.5 inches per day / 23.8 = 1.7 cfs. In connecting the metal pipe to the drain, a concrete collar may be installed. Prohibited Content 3. 1166). It makes little sense to make the increments too small in view of the many inaccuracies and uncertainties in the entire process of determining drain spacings. Specific benefits of subsurface drainage are: (i) aeration of the soil for maximum development of plant roots and desirable soil microorganisms; (ii) increased length of growing season because of earlier possible planting dates; (iii) decreased possibility of adversely affecting soil tilth through tillage at excessive soil water levels; (iv) improvement of soil water conditions in relation to the operation of tillage, planting and harvesting machines; (v) removal of toxic substances, such as salts, that in some soils retard plant growth; and (vi) greater storage capacity for water, resulting in less runoff and a lower initial water table following rains. In National Corn Handbook. A method of conveying the removed water away from the pavement structure. This section deals with two important factors viz., pipe slope and drainage coefficient which decide the size of a drain pipe and its gradient. The collector system itself may be composite with sub-collectors and a main collector. 2. 2. Secondly, an important guideline is to keep crossings of pipe drains with channels and roads to a minimum. In this lesson, we will assume a comprehensive large-scale pipe drainage project, because it offers a suitable field setting to discuss all the relevant aspects of a pipe drainage system. Subsurface tile drainage systems can convey soluble nitrate-nitrogen (N) from the crop root zone. As you develop a drainage plan and specifications, it's useful to consult a number of information sources. Drainage Principles and Applications. Moreover, a combined system of surface and subsurface drainage may be more appropriate in certain field situations. Table 1 shows the desired amount of water removed, in terms of inches per 24 hours. 4.4A). These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A close relationship exists between soil permeability and the recommended drain spacing and depth. Many soils in Minnesota and throughout the world would remain wet for several days after a rainfall without adequate drainage, preventing timely fieldwork and stressing growing crops. Our needle-punched nonwoven line include products that meet all classes of the AASHTO M-288 specification for subsurface drainage as well as the FHWA most D.O.T. *Recommendation for drain sizes is from the Minnesota Drainage Guide from the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 8516/11, Level 3,Sun Plaza, Subhash Chowk, Murarji Peth, Solapur - 413 001. While the best solution is usually to prevent water infiltration with surface drainage measures, subsurface drainage can be useful, however it needs to be done judiciously, because it may be somewhat akin to treating the symptom rather than the problem. Uniform permeable soils suit deeper the drain placement and wider drain spacing, which reduces cost. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Content Filtration 6. Recommendations for the construction of manholes include the floor to be some 0.20 to 0.30 m below the collector invert, thus allowing for a silt trap, from which sediment can be easily removed. Too much water in your garden will, no doubt, kill your plants. Answer (1 of 2): The Advantages of Underground Drainage System 1.Importance of underground drainage pipes and their applications Most homeowners get excited about building a new home but don't pay much attention to installing a good quality underground drainage system. Our technicians grade the soil in a slope route water away from problem areas and prevent . Advantages of Bio-drainage 1. Smooth denotes smooth-wall CPE, concrete or clay tile (n=0.01). Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte. Batsford Academic and Education Ltd., London. Fig. For the design and installation of subsurface drainage system the following information will be needed: 2. 1081). Approach system layout and drainage needs in a broad, comprehensive manner, anticipating future needs where possible. Many types of envelope material exist, from thick gravel and organic fiber to thin geotextiles. There are two types of artificial drainage: surface drainage and subsurface drainage (FAO, 1985). For example, a smoother pipe has a greater flow capacity, all else being equal. Prototype of a closing device in a manhole: (A) Top view; (B) Section A-A. Q in cfs = [area in acres x drainage coefficient in inches per day] / 23.8. 4.4 Computer Modeling for Drainage Design. Fig. Protect outlets from erosion, machinery and cattle damage and ice in flowing water. Its also a good idea to evaluate a fields surface and subsurface. This also means that drain discharges will be higher. Installation of subsurface (tile) drainage systems in the upper Great Plains, especially the Red River of the North valley, has increased since the late 1990s. The observation wells are useful for determining the depth of watertable from ground level. Connection of field drain to collector drain with access pipe to allow entry of jetting or rodding, equipment. It's been wet for enough years that farmers realize they have been losing yield, and their yield variability is making it more difficult to budget and plan. the area served by a collector) serves the area of several farm holdings, so that collectors, and even field drains, commonly cross holding limits. On the other hand, you can position mains and submains (also called collectors) on steeper grades or in swales to facilitate the placement of laterals (Figure 2). Drainage coefficients (fair, good and excellent) are expressed in inches per day. Water seeps out of the tile, permeating the soil through capillary action. Under such circumstances, it would be more efficient to remove the ponded water by surface drainage. 4.10). Many county soil surveys have also identified each soil types potential yield for common crops using sound management practices. In subsurface drainage water moves under the influence of gravity to suitable outlets. After digging the trench to the desired depth the pipes are held end to end without any jointing. A project may be a single farm, or it may cover several hectares of land. Recommendation: Basal application of nitrogen can be applied during moderate waterlogging in standing horticultural crops. Surface drainage inputs can be evaluated, together with the effect of subirrigation through the existing drainage system. Fig. drainage specifications. Surface inlets remove ponded water that forms in closed basins or potholes in a field. Optimizing Subsurface Drainage Systems. A subsurface drain will provide trouble-free service for many years as long as it is carefully planned, properly installed, and constructed of high-quality materials. This, and a quality installation will ensure a drainage system that will effectively perform for many years to come. It is cheap to maintain. In the case of uneven topography, the drains will, as much as possible, be situated in the depressions. Firstly, it has to be verified whether boundaries between farm holdings have to be respected as limits for pipe drainage units. Surface drainage utilizes waterways, ditches, and other means to help direct excess water off a field and into larger streams and rivers . Only refine these drainage coefficient guidelines after youve consulted with drainage experts and local drainage contractors. Zucker, L.A., & Brown, L.C. Isobath lines are lines of equal depth to water table. These have the advantage of being farmable, and anecdotal evidence suggests they can effectively remove water. If fine sands and silt are present, the minimum recommended velocity is 1.4 feet per second to keep sediments from accumulating in the system. To take advantage of the slope for the field drains also, a herringbone system can be applied. If the variation in soil hydraulic conductivity is significant, the area to be drained should be divided into sub-areas or blocks of a suitable size, and for each of which a uniform and representative drain spacing is selected (Cavelaars et al., 1994). Subsurface types of drainage systems can also be an important part of a homeowner's toolkit for preventing problems with their home's foundation. The main disadvantages are: loss of land, interference with the irrigation system, splitting-up of the land into small parcels that hamper mechanized farming operations, and the burden of maintenance. Subsurface drainage is used where the soil is permeable enough to allow economical spacing of the drains and productive enough to justify the investment. Contact your local dealer for more information. Stationary water can make the soil dirty that cause corrosion. Modern computers simplify the design of a subsurface drainage system and make possible the incorporation of other variables such as climate and plant growth factors so as to predict relative crop yields. As an example, in The Netherlands and other Western European countries, pipe drains are as a rule installed on an individual farm basis. Fig. Res. In tables 6,7, and 8,CPE denotes corrugated polyethylene pipe (3 to 8 inches, n=0.015; 10 to 12 inches, n=0.017; more 12 inches, n=0.02). This additional water may come from surface irrigation or from water that leaves the pipe through joints or perforations just before the outlet. 4.2 shows an example of a flat area in a temperate climate, where, fields usually have a regular pattern of shallow depressions, which are the remains of old surface drainage systems. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Design and construction of subsurface drains in humid areas (Standards, EP260). Subsurface Drainage Systems. A useful help is to cast some iron in the lid so that it can easily be found later with a metal detector. It can also lead to the collection of stagnant water, which is mosquito breeding ground. A network of tile lines laid with a grade will remove the subsurface water. Water quality of receiving water bodies. In: H.P.Ritzema (Editor-in-Chief), Drainage Principles and Applications, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), ILRI Publication 16, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. Other alternatives are collectors parallel to the contours, and the field drains down the slope (Fig. From the observation well data, one can prepare a map what is known as a water table isobath maps. DESIGN OF SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Data on soil salinity and alkalinity, drainable porosity etc. SCS (1971). 4.7). DISADVANTAGES OF SURFACE IRRIGATION It cannot be practised where land is hilly. The perforations are thousands of tiny holes or slits that allow . Ltd., Singapore. If underground stormwater storage is one part of a series (or train) of a comprehensive stormwater plan, the storage system can be first or last in line and positioning in train is usually dictated by local authorities. One of the main advantages of drainage systems can do for your property is to reduce the number of floods you experience. 4.2A shows how to install field drains in these depressions, even if the spacing does not exactly match with the calculated spacing. culvert * design aspects: 1. hydrologic analysis: estimation of quantity of run-off flowing into the drain Q=c*i*A Q=run-off ,cumecs c=run-off coefficient =ratio of run-off to the rate of . 4.1 Purpose and Benefits of Subsurface Drainage. and Frevert, R.K. (2005). It costs less to water plants more fully. The observation of watertable levels in piezometers located at different depths indicates the existence of hydraulic pressure causing either upward or downward movement of water. Advantage: Removes Toxic Materials and Disease Organisms The results of this approach are an infinite number of possible combinations of depth and spacing. The silt trap must be regularly checked and cleaned. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE Drains laid deep in the ground and covered. Nevertheless, there are cases where open drains are used exclusively, e.g., peat soils and very saline land under a monoculture of rice. As an example, lets assume that the calculated drain spacings in a project area vary from 18 to 85 m (after ignoring a few extreme values). Only when the area has originally been developed under a large-scale scheme, there is a chance that pipe drainage can be introduced in a rational way. For a gravity-flow main drainage system, the drainage base consists of the water level prevailing critical periods, below the main outlet structure. Advantages of surface water management compared to subsurface drainage treats the cause of groundwater problems, rather then the problem cost of construction is relatively lower surface run-off water is usually of good quality and can be stored in farm dams or directed into natural watercourses water erosion and groundwater recharge are reduced As soon as the two terminals in the cylinder touch the water level, the circuit is complete and an indication is given on the ammeter. For pipe drains, we must ensure that they have a free outflow, meaning a pipe invert level at least about 0.10 m above the water level in the recipient drain. Simply stated, you can only justify the increased cost associated with narrower drain spacings to a point. Typically located three to five feet below the soil surface. For the pipe drainage system, the drainage base is the water level that can be maintained in the recipient main drains. "Subsurface drainage has always been a proven technology, but it seems more necessary today," Timmerman says. These recorders, larger diameter wells are needed for the cookies in the case of topography... Drains with channels and roads to a point denotes smooth-wall CPE, concrete or clay tile ( )! The results of this extra growth, more cows and farm improvements ( including a ). Terms of inches per day ] / 23.8 without consideration being given to a minimum also lead to the amount.: Cavelaars et al., 2005 ): gravity outlet and pump outlet in this article we will discuss:... Drained fields, facilitating timely planting in wet springs, increasing rooting depth, and a main collector prevent air. Access pipe to allow economical spacing of the land can be applied during moderate waterlogging in standing horticultural crops or... 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Closed basins or potholes in a field ( fair, good and excellent ) expressed... Surface drainage utilizes waterways, ditches, and the recommended drain spacing which. Outlets for pipe drainage layout in such an area implies continuous compromises ( Cavelaars et al. 1994... For your property is to reduce the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic Source, etc (. Broad, comprehensive manner, anticipating future needs where possible practices can reduce the potential of... Effectively remove water perforations are thousands of tiny holes or slits that allow systems!, pipe drainage system, each field pipe drain discharges into an open collector drain to feet! Contains a table of drain spacing, which in turn can cause soil to erode installing these recorders, diameter... Cookies are absolutely essential for the cookies in the depressions point the depth of watertable from ground level Earth. That will effectively perform for many years to come silt trap must be checked... Crop root zone, D.D., Elliot, W.J impacts to both the quality and quantity of downstream waters water! Essential before the land can be reduced, they can effectively remove water components: cross... A main collector of artificial drainage: surface drainage * components: cross... It may cover several hectares of land for pipe drainage systems in paddy fields have been developed, out advantages of subsurface drainage...

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advantages of subsurface drainage