does batman become the joker in arkham knight

While Batman never designed the weapons to react lethally and simply wanted to be better prepared for the inevitable war that was to break out in Gotham, Joker may have had a hand in the vehicle's designs. After he influenced Burke to think about building an amusement park for his daughter, Katie, Joker also gave him several ideas on how to build one. But so what? This gave Joker the time to finish what he'd been cooking up in the Warden's Office: altered riot control gas that would allow him to control the minds of the inmates in small doses. Mr. J wouldn't like it if you failed men. While he escaped as Bruce reached out to his son, Jason finally began to realize just how much Bruce still loved him and did in fact desperately try to find him during his abduction by Scarecrow. "Joker sees his evidence case, Ooh, not bad Henry. Batman subdued Croc, escaping the police in his Batwing and leaving the cannibal killer to them. The obsession he felt for Batman caused an intense hatred for anything he believed that they held him back or interfered in their life-long battles, namely his sidekicks. To slow the vigilante down "Black Mask" turned to the GCPD and hired Edward Nigma, the head of the GCPD's Cyber Crime Division and secret master hacker, to broadcast a jamming signal to interfere with the Batwing and brought corrupt SWAT leader Howard Branden in on the bounty. This encouraged Gothamites to go outside. The Joker spent over a year planning on how to get back into Arkham and get the TITAN to create his army of Banes. He was sedated by Batman before they arrived at Arkham. In Batman's nightmare of Joker possessing his mind and murdering all of Gotham's villains, Of all the minor tweaks to his appearance, the Joker had been given a make-up based smile to make it look like he's always smiling. system the entire time, mocking the vigilante and claiming he'd done more to eliminate crime in two days than Batman had in two years. However, just as Harley Quinn was about to reach Joker with the completed cure, Talia al Ghul, also in Arkham City to aid in her father's operations, intercepted her, tied her up, and stole the cure. Accepting that he would ultimately die, Joker asked Batman if he was happy and calmly sat on the ground. He placed the Joker's body on the GCPD patrol car of CommissionerGordon,who was also shocked to see Batman's greatest nemesis dead and repeatedly asked him what happened, only to be met with silence. He appears to be a highly resourceful psychopath with a sadistic intelligence, who delights in causing chaos, destruction and human suffering. He's a puncher, not a shooter. And together, we're going find out how far it can go.Joker's promise to Batman the night they met. Many have assumed that this is due to the higher graphical capabilities of the PS4 and Xbox One, as it allowed developers more options for the appearance features of each character. Joker was one of the few villains to appear in all of the Arkham games just like Harley Quinn, the Riddler, and Killer Croc. An unknown person hijacks the Arkham Knight persona and tries to taint the Batman legacy in Bruce's absence, leaving the "Gotham Knights" to try and stop him. Despite being archenemies, Joker mockingly considered himself and Batman best friends, as he would not immediately kill him even if it was beneficial to his plans because he would be bored without his rival to challenge him intellectually and morally. Fittingly, both versions of the Joker were voiced by Mark Hamill. But nothing happened, crime actually went down.Gordon, explaining that Joker was the catalyst for the crime in Gotham. Joker revealed he accepted the possibility of death within Arkham City and took precautions to ensure that he lived on through his poisoned blood. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. He was intensely nihilistic and suicidal. This may have been a calculated ploy to manipulate Harley's emotions, taking advantage of her developing harsher persona in order to shape her into the brutal field agent the Joker would need for the gang war, or, given his twisted sense of humor, for the hell of it. Do this about a handful of times. As Harley steered the boat to shore, missiles ripped the hull to pieces. After he formed an alliance with the dying clown during his imprisonment in Arkham Asylum, Clayface was quickly convinced to aid the Joker and embroiled himself in the Clown Prince of Crimes last megalomaniac master plan. Once Vale was in the perimeters of Arkham City in her news chopper, Joker took over her broadcast in order to taunt her and then fired a rocket at her chopper, which caused it to crash-land. Punchdrunkwithhisnemesisthrottlinghim,theJokerlookedintotheeyesof themonsterthathadmadehimwhathewas. As the Joker's health began to reach its ultimate low, Batman reflected on the irony and humor in that Joker was actually correct: despite his crimes, Batman would have still saved him. The Joker immediately dispensed with any civility, and demanded to know Titan's status, which gave away his knowledge of the project. (However, Joker eventually figured out Hugo Strange brainwashed Sharp.). During the escort, the Joker made shrewd remarks to many of the Arkham Staff including Warden Quincy Sharp, Officer Aaron Cash, and Dr. Penelope Young before he was taken down the elevator. Dr. Hugo Strange: Side Note Spare Batman and will give you the secret of immortality. As the boat carrying the twisted pair sped off towards Gotham, it was joined by a second. Unfortunately, Young's initial Titan results were simply a more powerful form of Venom, which would temporarily increase the subject's muscle mass, but actually impaired their mental processes to the point of savagery. Oh, right. In Arkham Asylum, Joker was dressed in his trademark purple tailcoat and white gloves, with a yellow buttoned shirt and a green bow tie, with a flower attached to his tailcoat jacket, the tailcoat itself had a few rips on the jacket's shoulders and didn't seem to have been fixed or washed for quite some time. He openly did not think much of humanity, believing every man, woman and child were as equally insane and sadistic as he was in the inside and that to deny this was purely madness. It was not remotely beyond the Joker's ability to forge the image simply for the purposes of tormenting Jason. You don't need to pick any specific targets, especially since new ones appear in the place of the defeated ones. Jason blames Batman for abandoning him and escapes after refusing his once mentors' help. Immediately afterward, Batman regained both his mind and sanity and, having built up a tolerance to the Fear Toxin and being freed by a redeemed Jason Todd (who donned the image of the Red Hood), injected Scarecrow with his own toxin. Seeking to carve a name for himself in the Gotham underworld he began targeting Roman Sionis, AKA Black Mask. He included the notorious Joker, whose appearance would surely impress the crowd. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. This turning point for Joker was first shown where he was saved from his death on top of Gotham Royal Hotel, perplexed at the very idea that someone would risk their life to save the like of him (having previously admitted that he deserved death) and, ignoring the crimes he had committed and the fact that he devoted a great deal of resources to kill him, he admits that it was destiny he and Batman met the day, that all the days, good and bad, were the hands of Fate at work, solely for the two of them to meet that very day. Destroy it and new ones will appear. Joker's primary weapon was his Ace of Spades: itdealt a large amount of damage which couldkill two Elites at the same time and could ricochet through corners allowing to kill an Elite taking cover. He often underwent monomaniacal fixations upon different obsessions to a deranged degree. Second, a significant amount of time had passed and Joker had not been forgotten - if anything, the series and film portrayed Joker's legacy lasting as long as Batman's own, with an entire gang-faction of criminals being founded in the Clown Prince's honor; "The Jokerz". The intern thought he was talking about her, telling him her name was Harleen. It's a miracle! I've met someone tonight. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment or RockSteady Studios. Note: Joker's involvement in Catwoman's escape attempt and the following depended on which boss Batman defeated last. Unfortunately for Black Mask and his lover the Joker was waiting when Tiffany returned from grocery shopping. So what will it be? They all went completely silent when they saw the Dark Knight carrying the Clown Prince of Crime motionless in his arms. You mean she's telling the truth?Clayface learns for the Joker that he can live forever. At some point while incarcerated in Arkham Asylum, Joker was visited in his cell in the dead of night by Arkham Asylum Warden Quincy Sharp, carrying a knife. He didn't seem to like the idea of Batman sharing the stage either and would often target his allies, believing he was doing Batman a twisted kind of favor. Some even question, from psychiatrist to Batman himself, if the Joker is truly insane as he is extremely intelligent, cunning and appears to have a full grip on reality (if not a highly cynical one). During stealth missions where Joker must dispose of Arkham's security on patrol, he could use a pair of glasses called specs to see through walls and identify guards, similarly to Detective mode, though he can't move while using them. After years of death, misery, and tragedy, the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime, and Batman's greatest threat and arch-nemesis was gone at long last. Also, In virtually all continuities, when Joker fell into the acid as the Red Hood, he was a young man, likely in his early 30s as he had already graduated college and grad school, which was evident by his chemical expertise, and as this happened in, The Joker had multiple different Character Trophies in each game. Joker began to rant and pace around the room and said he'd make more of her, make them wear her skin, which caused him to fantasize about how perfect and creamy her skin was. As Joker waited for Batman's arrival, he recorded one final message that was meant to be communicated to Batman in the event of his death. This page of our game guide to Batman: Arkham Knight contains a walkthrough of game's epilogue. Freeze was locked up). This was best demonstrated when he was forced to experience the concentrated effects of the Fear Toxin late into Scarecrow's reign of terror, where he saw a portrait depicting Batman carrying a deceased Joker as well as his own corpse being placed in the crematorium, and not only did not feel even slightly afraid of what he was seeing, he even managed to reflect nostalgically on the event and even went as far to crack a joke about the scene as being "crispy", respectively. Joker, preparing to kill Deadshot. Even though it would doom them both the Joker attempted to punch the vigilante. The stealth challenges were when the Joker must defeat all the Arkham guards without being detected in a large area of Arkham Asylum complete with nooks and crannies for the Joker to hide in. To that end, Joker made use of the construction equipment at the Steel Mill to build massive tunnels that connected to Gotham's sewers and subway system as a shelter for whatever Strange had planned to ensure that his army survived while the rest of his enemies were slaughtered. If you kept constantly visiting the Visitor Center, Joker talked to Batman as if Batman was visiting for a therapy appointment. Reflecting that years had passed since the Penguin banned Joker from the club, they sought out the blue neon lights of the Iceberg Lounge. Kill! While making his way to the roof, Joker spotted one of the Penguin's drones following them and ordered Croc to smash it and retrieve its memory card so he could see just how much the Penguin had managed to learn. A hotline straight to my most favorite person in the world. Due to his negative and nihilistic beliefs of human morality and nature, there were very few crimes the Joker did not commit, reserving no mercy to his own men who he would kill often randomly and violently with no apparent reason, simply because he found it entertaining, even murdering innocent civilians, bystanders and infants, viewing their deaths as a contributing factor to an already sick and sadistic world. Disguised as an Arkham guard, she overpowered the Joker's escorts and stole her puddin' away to a boat waiting on the island's quayside. Joker implied, during his many comments, that one of the reasons why Batman had decided to outfit the new Batmobile with a more extensive arsenal was because of the villain's consciousness subtly influencing him. He knew it and soon so would anyone who saw him. When commentating on the enemies trying to fight Batgirl and Robin in the beginning of the DLC, he shouted: "Where's Gordy?!" He was capable of being calm and rational yet this broke in an instant and he reverted to his hysteric state, literally laughing until he was near the brink of tears. When Joker won the VGA 2011 Rewards, he was holding a file with the name. Strange dismissed the entire story as a fabrication to avoid responsibility for his real actions, smugly assuming he had complete control of the clown's situation. For much of Akrham Knight, Batman is experiencing hallucinations of the Joker due to a combination of exposure to fear toxin and remnants of Joker's blood in his . That's me." Kill!Joker is temporarily swayed to chose Henry as his new host. In Arkham Origins Online, Joker was a playable character, by activating the marked door by the Joker's Elites, which allowed the playerto take control of him. Perhaps the Joker's most insidious act was the seduction of his therapist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. The suggestions and constant torture finally broke Jason, leaving him in a drone like state where he believed he was loyal to the Joker alone. Joker quickly awoke and mutated into the most horrific Titan monster of all (possibly being his backup plan the whole time), while he still retained his intellectual faculties. With Joker's presence gone, the remaining members of Batman's rogues' gallery had a much easier time working together without the Clown Prince of Crime upsetting the balance and were silently working together for the past year to unleash an elaborate plot to destroy Batman and conquer the city that he vowed to protect. He then used his handcuffs to strangle the guard, which forced the doctor to unhook the Joker to save the guard. 99+ Photos Action Adventure Crime With his back against the wall, Batman turns to his closest allies to help him save Gotham City from the clutches of Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight's army. Next to doubling as him, the Joker used the feat of clay as a puppet of power to carry out his most extreme tasks:have Clayface overlook public operations with Harley, recruite and build up his army into massive numbers, and ultimately convince a cold tempered Mr. Robert Pattinson's Batman/Bruce Wayne might be the darkest iteration of the Dark Knight as the movie is set to be more gritty and portray a more brutal Batman. As more and more inmates were transferred into the prison city, the twisted device served as a sadistic recruiting method to weed out the gang initiates with the best reflexes (those that jumped from the coaster before the death plunge). The Azrael sidequest in Arkham Knight is a reference to the Knightfall comics storyline where another version of that character became a more vicious version of Batman. Batman: Arkham Underworld is a mobile game that positions you as Gotham's newest criminal mastermind, allowing you to command Batman villains such as Harley Quinn, The Riddler, Scarecrow, Mr.. Joker's consciousness surviving and taking over his foe's knowledge and resources was done in "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker". The dying hero then entered Clayface's body, retrieved the cure, cut him open, and incapacitated the monster once and for all. He has stated, however, that he constantly relishes the idea of Batman's death and has attempted to kill the Dark Knight whenever the opportunity presented itself. To his irritation Croc only managed the former. Joker demonstrated the successful Titan strain he had managed to create by injecting two of his thugs with a dart gun filled with Titan, much to their surprise. One of Joker's Game Over sequences was a reference to the Game Overs in the Metal Gear Solid series. Taunting Batman through phone calls with dubious clues about what he was truly planning, Joker was relieved to learn Batman had found the means to develop the cure and had Freeze create enough for both of them. Though Deadshot claimed that Joker's gun had no more bullets, Joker claimed that he was wrong, but fired the gun anyway, and after he proved that he was right, Deadshot punched him in the face, but he and Harley escaped through the laundry chute. His obsessions was so bad he focused most of his energy into killing him. It can be used at cosplay conventions and Halloween parties. To Joker's mock-horror, Batman eventually found his "snowman bombs" but was unable to disarm them. However, the only record of this is found in Sharp's Spirit of Arkham Diaries and it's possible that he may have hallucinated the incident. 17 12. The Joker did manage to have the last laugh, providing Catwoman with bombs sometime during the night to distract Batman while she escaped with Bane. To delay Batman from finding him, Joker decided to release the inmates; this caused chaos as the riot police had to fight back Bane, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy and Two-Face along with the rest of the prisoners. Not long after this, Gordon was somehow affected by Joker's toxin, which forced Batman to break Harley Quinn out of prison in order to find the location of the antidote for the toxin. He took over the body of Tim Drake, and used his skills as an engineer to create a satellite weapon, before he was defeated by the new Batman, Terry McGinnis. He also shut off the ventilation to the Arkham Wing, endangering the hostages held there, or so Batman believed. Nearing the end of his routine, the Joker acquired a camera to show Batman his handiwork. He is a nefariously insane and homicidal supervillain who is one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal masterminds in all of Gotham City. The healthy Joker finally revealed himself to Batman as Clayface, having been smuggled into Arkham City under Joker's orders to take up the spotlight and divert attention from his true plans. At the same time, Joker sent his men to retrieve the last shipment of weapons from Hugo Strange under the foundations of Wonder Tower (Hugo Strange's base of operations), which contained the most devastating weaponry: missile launchers, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, automated assault rifles, mines, high frequency power generators, thermal googles, shotguns, grenades, and much more. We all know you'll save me. A touch of red, a touch of green. Young refused, but didn't go public with the revelation to save face. Before Batman could warn them, staff touched the Joker and the toxin on his skin and clothes killed them. He had a far crueler joke to play on the Dark Knight than just that. 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does batman become the joker in arkham knight