iesous in greek mythology

Names always change from country with different languages. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Why argue that Jesus means Hail Zeus and not Hail Dagon or Hail Baal? After all, the biblical world offered many religious alternatives to the new faith. Yeshua is Hebrew for Salvation, who is called Jesus in English. My parents wanted a name for me who was in bible and my name is on bible, but it's spelled completely different than in english for example. Greek was the international language of culture; it represented human wisdom, art, and commerce! Regarding the appearance of the Ichthus symbol in Christianity, Alexander Hyslop writes: About the very time that the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Savior began to be called Ichthys, or the Fish, thereby identifying Him with Dagon, or the fish-god; and that, ever since, advancing step by step, as circumstances would permit, what has gone under the name of the worship of Christ, has just been the worship of that same Babylonian divinity, with all its rites and pomp and ceremonies, precisely as in ancient Babylon. The one was that the son of Isis was called Isu by some. Paul, in his various personal discourses with the local people, might have had to steer his audience away from a new kind of mythology built up around the Messiah to the real Jesus own words about Himself: I am the Light of the world (John 8:12). In Greek mythology, Iasus (/ a. This revelation was confirmed by a third witness, Dr. E.W. Secondly, representation of Christ existed a long time after His ascension, so icons being trustworthy is a lengthy discourse in and of itself. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex? Like all authoritative sources, this dictionary admits to the real true name of Yahusha. This revelation was confirmed by a third witness, Dr. E.W. Iasus (Iasius), one of the Dactyli or Curetes. The sun becomes an idol. Iseous is another name for Joshua, and sort of looks like "" (Jesus in Greek). I will give you another example to demonstrate your reasoning. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. He is actually not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:27-28). I p. 178 - 179, elaborates on this, quoting the comments of a 5th century Christian poet and others, on this. These dictionaries bear witness to the fact that IHS (Ies) is an abbreviated form of IHSOUS (Iesous). 25, 21 June 1930, pp. Nothing distinguishes you from the Pagans, except that you hold your assemblies apart from them.". omea solo and ensemble 2021. partitions piano gratuites. I say this not to boast but to prevent ad hominem attacks against me since I doubt you have can claim to have been better educated on the subject, IP Lastly, while I do dislike using psychoanalytic approaches to such problems, Christ wasn't rebellious, but the main factor of reformation and a new covenant between man and God. Deus and Zeus are etymologically related. They identified with the Israelites Yahuah as being their own Zeus Jupiter! As I have stated, there is no resemblance between the Name Yahusha and the name Jesus. King (talk) 23:12, 16 November 2007 (UTC) The earliest written version of the name Jesus is Romanized today as Iesous. They already celebrated the first day of the week as the Sabbath day to their main god. The name "Jesus" didn't even exist until the 4 th Century and was a later derivative of the late Latin Isus. This article relating to Greek mythology is a stub. It is accepted by many that His Hebrew name was Yahusha (meaning Yahuh-ah, The Father, sha (saves) through The Son [Mat 1:21]). In the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon . Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think. Tammuz, alias Bacchus, had a surname: Ies or IHS. For more information on the genealogy of Iaso, see Panacea. In Greek mythology, Iasus (/; Ancient Greek: ) or Iasius (/aes/; ) was the name of several people: .mw-parser-output .dmbox{display:flex;align-items:center;clear:both;margin:0.9em 1em;border-top:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;padding:0.25em 0.35em;font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output .dmbox>*{flex-shrink:0;margin:0 0.25em}.mw-parser-output .dmbox-body{flex-grow:1;flex-shrink:1;padding:0.1em 0}.mw-parser-output .dmbox-invalid-type{text-align:center}. It only takes a minute to sign up. The name is ultimately Semitic, and came into Greek as the Aramaic (Yeshua), from the Hebrew (Yehoshuah, which in English we usually "translate" to Joshua). Quite a few scholars have remarked on the similarity between the names of the Indian Issa or Issi, the Egyptian Isis and the Greek Iaso. It is generally agreed that our successor to Moses, was Joshua. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? Therefore, the words are the same in regards to etymology. This verse clearly tells us that there is only one Name whereby we can be saved - there is none other. There is no relationship between that name and Zeus, which is proto-Indo-European and only looks similar to Iesus in its late formits stem is dio- (whence Dios "of Zeus", and its many derivatives in names like Dionysus and Diomedes or even Dioscuri, the two "sons of Zeus"). When a human looks up at the sky the main thing you ever see is the sun and that is the king of our sky! That this user is not willing to listen in regards to that subject by experienced editors is quite troubling. There is one truth, one God in three Persons. The Romans continued being pagan when they brought in Papal Rome! If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. This revelation was confirmed by a third witness, Dr. E.W. Two pronunciations in Greek: Iesous or Iasus, and Iasion (Jason). Many Christians are uncomfortable with this parallel for obvious reasons. - and page 816 of Liddell and Scott is equally important. The Gentiles wanted a saviour, but not a Jewish one. Another proof is Rev 14:1, but this should be read in the newer translations, because the King James Version and the Revised Authorised Version have it both wrong. According to Wikipedia rules, additionally, Jesus would be the proper usage in english. Where did the Greek name Iesous and Latin name Iesus come from? Iu is the king of the gods. Regarding the Savior, Ive been told by many people: I know his Jewish name is Yahusha, but in English we call him Jesus. Share Additional gods emerged from chaos, and many gods sprang into being as the creativelyand often immorallyconceived offspring of other gods. (Source p.816 Liddell and Scott) 13:28, 7 November 2007 (UTC) [ reply] In the newer translations of the Scriptures, we read in two places, Joh 17:11 and 12 that Yahusha said that His Father's Name was given to Him. Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin) is adapted from the Greek, possibly from the name of a Greek healing goddess Ieso (Iaso)." Like all authoritative sources, this dictionary admits to the real true name of Yahusha. However, the second discovery yielded even further light: The learned scholar of Egyptian religion, Hans Bonnet, reveals to us in his Reallexikon der Agyptischen Religionsgeschichte, p. 326, that the name of Isis appears in the hieroglyphic inscriptions as ESU or ES. Now you also know why the Vatican is an arch nemesis of ours. Jesus is not hypothetical, and He does not sit on a thundercloud aiming lightning bolts at the earth. This discussion has brought me to new levels of consternation concerning the gullibility and lack of comprehension of many human beings out there. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. mGNT 917x in 3 unique form (s) TR 975x in 3 unique form (s) LXX 252x in 6 unique form (s) 338x 134x 503x Dictionary Aids Hans Lamer then postulates, because of all the evidence, that "they changed Ieso into a regular masculine Iesous. Just as Iaso, Ieso, Iesous are derived from the Greek word for healing, Iasis, we similarly find Isis (more correctly: Esu) and her son Horus (more correctly: Her), regarded as deities of healing as well as cosmic deities, or Sun deities, by others. A copy of the original 1611 King James Bible renders Jesus as Iesus, and Jeremiah is spelled Ieremiah. This will be my last post in this section, as everything that can be said has been said many, many times. The daughter of Asclepius, she had four sisters: Aceso, Aegle, Hygieia, and Panacea. [] During the Hellenizing period, Jason, a purely Greek analogon of Jesus, appears to have been adopted by many. Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? Athenian philosophers discussed possibilities. IXOYE is an acronym made up of Greek letters that translates into English as Jesus Christ, Son of God, [Our] Savior. Zeus et al. The first pope was NOT Simon Kepha (Peter) the apostle! I think it's time to give up. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloes people, that there are quarrels among you. All five were associated with some aspect of health or healing. Languages have their rules and forms, so to claim that the Hebrew form is the official name is a little half-baked. This user misinterprets sources completely, and will continue to do so. In Bux and Schone, Worterbuch der Antike, under "Jesus", we read, "JESUS: really named Jehoshua. Also, Liddell and Scott are prefectly clear p.816 the entry Iaso-Ieso that the genitive meaning of Ieso is exactly Iesous I-E-S-O-U-S. On p.824 Liddell and Scott point out that the name was later used for Jesus (New Testament) or Joshua (Septuagint). One of them was the son of Zeus and Electra, also called Iasion, who founded the mystical rites on the island of Samothrace. No wonder that we read the testimony of the learned Christian advocate, M. Turretin, in describing the state of Christianity in the 4th century, saying "that it was not so much the (Roman) Empire that was brought over to the Faith, as the Faith that was brought over to the Empire; not the Pagans who were converted to Christianity, but Christianity that was converted to Paganism." This Asclepius had daughters, and one of them was Iaso (Ieso), the Greek goddess of healing. Yahusha means: Yahuah The Father saves (through The Son) or "the Salvation of Yahu-ah". He was known as a brother of Antiphus, son of Priam and Hecuba.. See also. You're making illogical conclusions based on faulty assumptions. . Currently, this question is really two questions: Well, they are potentially related questions, if the origin of "Jesus" lies in Zeus/"Iseous", though he doesn't. The first was the un-Scriptural superstitious teaching of the Jews that the Father's Name is not to be uttered, that it is ineffable, that others will profane it when they use it, and that the Name must be "disguised" outside of the temple of Jerusalem. In fact, the reverse is true: 'Iuppiter' is actually (more or less) a concretion of 'Iou' and 'Pater' - meaning "Iou the Father", "Iou" being etymologically related to the Latin "deus" or Greek "theos". There is no relationship between Zeus and Jesus (the Roman spelling of which is Iesus) and (Iesous). What does the Greek word iesous mean? Judging by this user's furious perserverence into new, almost frightening depths of ignorance, I see no real solution to knock this user back into sensible shape. Your above view is unbiblical as Jesus was without sin. Returning to our discussion on the reluctance of the translators to persist with all of the Hellenised names in the Greek of the New Testament, one could very well ask: But why did they persist with the Hellenised Iesous of Messiahs Name, and its further Latinised form Iesus? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. . He was killed by Agamemnon.Little is known of Isus other than brief mentions or relatives. Jesus in Greek means "Joshua" in another language (Arabic I think). The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5). Iesous is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name, and its English spelling is "Jesus." Thus, the names "Joshua" and "Jesus" are essentially the same; both are English pronunciations of the Hebrew and Greek names for our Lord. Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 03:08. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. S mais um site iesous in greek mythology Because of the Father's name being in His Son's Name, this same disastrous suppression of the Name resulted in them (The Greeks) giving a Hellenised, in fact a surrogate name for Yahusha. Why does the impeller of torque converter sit behind the turbine? Weimer I'm a little uncomfortable with absolute certainty in disciplines that involve profound degreed of incomplete information. His name may be related to that of the sky god Dyaus of the ancient Hindu Rigveda. The abbreviated form of the name Iesous is: Ies or in capitals: IHS, or in Greek the capital for "e" id "H". I cannot say taking a side is from the Holy Spirit, nor can I say it's from the devil. Jesus ate with and befriended every sort of sinner without sinning, preaching Gods word, and showing us how to do likewise. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It is possible that certain thinkers reframed the truth about Jesus into a merely theoretical shape, which posed no challenge to their way of life. But Alcmaeon, because of his treatment of Eriphyle, is honored neither in the temple of Amphiaraus nor yet with Amphilochus. Since there is no J in the hebrew alphabet his name is Yahshua and that is english. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. The name Poseidon means either "husband of the earth" or "lord of the earth." By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Definitely the better answer. Yeshua is jewish nonsense and all other names. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. His stepfather, His half-brothers and half-sisters, in fact all His people, were all Hebrews. But Paul made it plain that, while the Grecian gods were distant, the real God was close. Oh Lord. It Is So Painful to Care: How Do I Conquer Apathy? Does the Name Jesus Actually Mean, Hail, Zeus? In Acts 4:12 we read, "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." The complete stubbornness, ignorance and absence of rational thinking exhibited by this user is stifling- he or she likes to paint a picture of his or her opponents by the caricature of ignorant "Bible thumpers", when in reality the most ignorant individual in the discussion is, in fact, the user themself (a very sad irony). Furthermore, this dictionary then traces the substitute name back to the Latin Iesus, and the Greek Iesous. Thinking & teaching that only certain people will gain Salvation through English or ancient pronunciations is divisive. But I am highly skeptical of anachronistic translations. This user will scoff at everything I've said here, and will probably paint a caricature of myself and the other editors, as he or she has done several times (in complete ignorance, a very pathetic version of ad hominem). His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. That is for sure. capitals: IHSOUS. 14:27, 9 November 2007 (UTC) 14:27, 9 November 2007 (UTC), Slrubenstein | Talk 22:37, 13 November 2007 (UTC), The Catholic Encyclopedia entry for the name Jesus says that church fathers (Clement and Cyril) considered Jesus to be a name of Greek origin, not Hebrew. The fact remains, according to the authoritive scholars Liddell and Scott, that Iesous is a Greek name, meaning healer, straight from ancient Greek Mythology. "For then will I restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the Name of Yahuah, to serve Him with one accord," Zeph 3:9. The new faith / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under CC.! Alcmaeon, because of his treatment of Eriphyle, is honored neither the... Is so Painful to Care: how do I Conquer Apathy Liddell Scott. Of his treatment of Eriphyle, is honored neither in the darkness has not overcome it ( John )... Think ) name may be related to that of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon, is neither! Pronunciations in Greek means & quot ; Joshua & quot ; Joshua & quot ; in another language ( I. More Controversial Than you Think not sit on a thundercloud aiming lightning bolts at the earth people... Top of the sky god Dyaus of the ancient Hindu Rigveda apart from them....., there is none other through English or ancient pronunciations is divisive your assemblies apart from them..... 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iesous in greek mythology