motorized bicycle laws by state

For more information on such plates please visit: Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. Bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated and operating a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances may result in severe punishments. In North Dakota, bicycles are defined as vehicles for some purposes including North Dakota's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances. When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions, including those caused by narrow lanes, that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand edge of the roadway; or. The contact causes physical injury to the bicyclist or the pedestrian. However, a driver of a motor vehicle need not follow that requirement when: The driver of a motor vehicle may drive to the left of the center of a roadway to pass a person operating a bicycle proceeding in the same direction only if the roadway to the left of the center is unobstructed for a sufficient distance to permit the driver to pass the person operating the bicycle safely and avoid interference with oncoming traffic. In addition, no person shall leave a door open upon the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. For example, Idahos law specifically states mopeds and motorcycles are not e-bikes and explicitly exempts e-bike operators from licensure, registration and titling requirements. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has clarified that the federal law does allow e-bikes to travel faster than 20 mph when using a combination of human and motor power. However, at least one court case has found the nonuse of a helmet not admissible. Kentucky currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Source: Ky. Rev. Georgia's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore applies to bicyclists. 2079.4; 2081.12. To travel no more than two abreast when traffic is not impeded. In addition, the law includes context sensitive considerations that may increase or decrease the legal safe passing distance. For more information on such plates please visit: Source: Del. Any person operating a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, motorized skateboard or scooter, or moped on a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place under conditions then existing shall ride as close as safely practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, tit. Wyoming prohibits vehicles, other than motorized wheelchairs and vehicles moved by human power, from driving upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary driveway. Hawaii currently has no laws to prevent or punish distracted driving. Georgia requires that the operator of a motor vehicle approaching a bicycle shall approach the bicycle with due caution and shall proceed as follows: (1)Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the bicycle if possible in the existing road and traffic conditions; or(2)If a lane change under paragraph (1) of this subsection would be impossible, prohibited by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be at least ten miles per hour less than the posted speed limit or 25 miles per hour, whichever is more, and proceed around the bicycle with at least three feet between such vehicle and the bicycle at all times. A person may not throw any object at or in the direction of any person riding a bicycle, and. Code), available here Rev. Most major U.S. bicycle brands sell e-bikes, and bicycle manufacturers have moved or are positioning themselves to move to the U.S. to capitalize on the growing market. Prescribe penalties for operating a bicycle on public roads or streets within the locality without an attached license plate, tag, or adhesive decal. In Connecticut, bicycles fall within the definition of a motor vehicle. Source: Ga. Code Ann. 75 Pa. Cons. Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. No person twenty-one years of age or younger operating a moving motor vehicle upon the highways of this state shall, by means of a hand-held electronic wireless communications device, send, read, or write a text message or electronic message. It is legal for all persons of any age to operate a bicycle without wearing a helmet unless otherwise provided by a municipal regulation. Maryland provides that its state traffic laws do not prevent a local authority, in the reasonable exercise of its police power, from regulating the operation of bicycles, requiring them to be registered, and imposing a registration fee. Regs. In Colorado, bicycles are defined as vehicles. Motorized bicycle need not be registered, titled, or display a license plate. The laws regulating the operation of bicycles in the state of Georgia are generally found in the Georgia Code (Ga. Code Ann. No person shall operate a vehicle while wearing a headset, headphone, or other listening device, other than a hearing aid or instrument for the improvement of defective human hearing. Drivers may cross a double-yellow no-passing line in order to provide space to a bicyclist while passing them if it is safe to cross the double-yellow line. When reasonably necessary to leave the bicycle lane to avoid debris or other hazardous conditions. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute,which you can findhere. Proceeds support education and other projects through grants administered by the Nevada Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board. State traffic laws and vehicle codes remain the sole domain of states and state legislatures. 31-5-102; 31-5-233. Idaho's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to motor vehicles. The laws regulating the operation of bicycles in the state of Washington are generally found in Title 46 of the Revised Code of Washington (Wash. Rev. Idaho has modified its laws to accommodate bicyclists approaching stop signs and red lights as follows: Idaho does not specifically provide for local authorities to regulate the operation of bicycles or require registration of bicycles, although such authorities may regulate the operation of bicycles through the exercise of their other legal powers. When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions and while exercising due care; and. New Jersey requires that every bicyclist must ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Sources: Colo. Rev. A person may not use a handheld wireless communication device while operating a moving motor vehicle on a highway in this state to: manually communicate through an electronic mail system; manually enter data into a handheld wireless communication device; send data, read text, or view images on a handheld wireless communication device; or. Connecticut provides that the driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. Indiana allows a bicyclist that approaches a steady red traffic signal to proceed through the intersection controlled by that signal if the bicyclist comes to a complete stop at the intersection for at least one hundred twenty (120) seconds; and exercises due caution as provided by law, otherwise treats the traffic control signal as a stop sign, and determines that it is safe to proceed. Virginia defines a vulnerable road user laws as a pedestrian; the operator of or passenger on a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, wheelchair or wheel chari conveyance, skateboard, roller skates, motorized skateboard or scooter, or animal-drawn vehicle or any attached device; or any person riding an animal. Never ride against traffic - Motorists aren't looking for bicyclists riding on the wrong side of the road. Source: N/A, Alaska prohibits the driving of a motor vehicle with an operating video display displaying non-authorized information that is in full view of a driver in a normal driving position while the motor vehicle is being driven. In 2011, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville launched thecountrys firstelectric bicycle sharing system, with two bike-share stations on their campus. No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any public road or highway of this state while using a wireless telecommunications device to write, send, or read a text-based communication; No person who holds a Class "E" learner's license or intermediate license shall operate a motor vehicle on any public road or highway of this state while using any wireless telecommunications device to engage in a call, unless the wireless telecommunications device is a hands-free wireless telephone; and. The laws regulating the operation of bicycles in the state of Missouri are generally found in the Missouri Revised Statutes (Mo. At least 25 states and D.C. have some sort of helmet requirement for e-bike riders and passengers. ), available here Code 9-13-2-196(c); 9-21-11-2. 23 4(21) & (82); 1136. Law 159; 1231. Nebraska's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to motor vehicles and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. North Dakota prohibits any person from driving any vehicle, including a bicycle, upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary driveway. ), available here As long as all of these requirements are met, you can legally ride this vehicle on the roadways. A "safe distance" means not less than three feet when the driver of a vehicle overtakes and passes a person riding a bicycle. Code Ann., Transp. Kansas requires that wherever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway. Florida, in conjunction with Bike Florida and Florida Bicycling Association, offers Share the Road license plates. tit. While the Asian and European e-bike markets are more robust, industry advocates hope to continue to expand U.S. e-bike sales.. A person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk, or on a crosswalk, shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal when necessary before overtaking and passing any pedestrian; No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district unless permitted by local authorities. Wisconsin's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to motor vehicles and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. The overtaking of a bicycle by a motor vehicle, or vice versa, is governed by general traffic laws and, in most circumstances, such overtaking must be done to the left at a safe distance. Wisconsin provides that no bicyclist facing a steady red signal shall enter the roadway unless he or she can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic. These devices must still register with the state Motor Vehicle Commission and riders must also be at least 15, have a valid license, insurance and wear a helmet. State law and common sense require that bicyclists drive like other vehicles. In addition, no person may leave a door open on the side of a vehicle nearest to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. 47 11-1208(b) & (c). No person under the age of 18 years shall operate a motor vehicle on a public street or highway or public vehicular area while using a mobile telephone or any additional technology associated with a mobile telephone while the vehicle is in motion. The laws regulating the operation of bicycles in the state of Massachusetts are generally found in Title XIV Chapter 85 Section 11B of the General Laws of Massachusetts (Mass. 189.300 and601 KAR 14:020 7(3). Once the person has yielded, he may proceed through the steady red light with caution; However, a person making a right-hand turn must only slow to a reasonable speed and yield the right-of-way if required before cautiously making such a turn; and. Code Ann. Stat. New York Motorized Bicycle Laws. A motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle according to this law may partially cross the highway centerline or the dividing line between two lanes of travel in the same direction if it can be performed safely. New Mexico currently has the following law aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: New Mexico requires that a bicyclist ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Ann. Bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated and operating a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances may result in severe punishments. New Jersey does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Source: Md. Hawaii requires that no person open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with, or causing immediate hazard to the movement of other traffic. There is no separate statute that says that a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle. In Hawaii bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of the driver of a vehicle as provided in Chapter 291C of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Rhode Island does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. In addition no person shall transport a child under the age of one year as a passenger on a bicycle except on a bicycle trailer or in an infant sling and such child transported in a bicycle trailer or infant sling is wearing a bicycle helmet. However, if the driver of a motor vehicle cannot pass a bicycle at a distance of three feet or greater, the driver may slow and pass if doing so will not endanger the safety of the operator of the bicycle. tit. All laws mentioned here were compiled as part of a research project in the fall of 2012 and may be subject to change. Vermont does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. Mississippi does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Massachusetts requires that in approaching or passing a person on a bicycle the operator of a motor vehicle shall slow down and pass at a safe distance and at a reasonable and proper speed. Source: Conn. Gen. Stat. 41-6a-502; 41-6a-1102. However, bicycles cannot use parkways and other limited access state highways except on paths specifically provided for bicycles. E-bikes are emissions-free, low impact and operate silently. Code), available here Florida defines a vulnerable road user as: Florida protects vulnerable road users by providing that a driver who is convicted of a hit and run: Florida currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Florida requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway except under any of the following circumstances: Florida allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Florida requires that any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride in the lane marked for bicycle use if a lane is marked for bicycle use. New York does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. Tennessee, in conjunction with the Jeff Roth Cycling Foundation, offers Share the Road license plates. New Hampshire provides that any city or town shall have the power to make ordinances, bylaws or regulations respecting the use and equipment of bicycles on its ways, provided that any such ordinances, bylaws or regulations are at least as stringent as state laws respecting bicycles. Source: Md. New Jerseys two-tiered classification system exempts low-speed e-bikes, which have a maximum operating speed of 20 MPH, from registration, licensure and insurance requirements. Stat. 811.055; 814.410. In Iowa, bicycles are not defined as vehicles. A person propelling a bicycle upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian; A person propelling a bicycle upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. Nebraska repealed its law that required the use of a sidepath in 2016 thanks to LB716. When riding on a sidewalk a person has all the rights and all the duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. Compilation of laws by Lost River Cycling: Compilation of laws by Idaho Transportation Department: A person driving a motor vehicle shall not, in a reckless manner, drive the motor vehicle unnecessarily close to, toward, or near a bicyclist, pedestrian, or a person riding a horse or driving an animal drawn vehicle; and, A Class A misdemeanor if the violation does not result in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to another; or. New Mexico requires that any minor riding a bicycle, as an operator or passenger, must wear a protective bicycle helmet. Florida's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore applies to bicyclists. Operates a motor vehicle within three feet of a vulnerable user of a highway; Distracts or attempts to distract a vulnerable user of a highway for the purpose of causing violence or injury to the vulnerable user of a highway; or. A person operating a moving motor vehicle while holding a wireless communications device to his or her ear is guilty of a traffic infraction; A person operating a moving motor vehicle who, by means of an electronic wireless communications device, sends, reads, or writes a text message, is guilty of a traffic infraction; and. Florida provides that its state traffic laws shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from regulating the operation of bicycles. 42-4-1301; 42-1-102. Kentucky does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. Ann. The legal information on this website is not a substitute for the primary sources of law in your jurisdiction or the personalized advice of an attorney. The comparative negligence statutes of Louisiana shall apply in these cases as in all other cases of negligence. In Wyoming bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle, except for special regulations specific to bicycles and those provisions that by their nature can have no application. that no person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the Central Business District except on those sidewalks expressly designated by Order of the Mayor. California specifically provides that statewide laws do not prohibit local authorities, by ordinance, from regulating the registration of bicycles and the parking and operation of bicycles on pedestrian or bicycle facilities, provided that such regulation is not in conflict with the provisions of the California Vehicle Code. 13 02.385. Minnesota provides an affirmative defense to the charge of entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light if a person establishes all of the following conditions: Minnesota provides that local authorities may adopt traffic regulations which are not in conflict with state traffic laws. New Jersey Department of Transportation Compilation of laws: Safe Routes to Schools New Jersey Compilation of laws: It is a traffic violation for any holder of a provisional license to use a mobile communication device while driving a motor vehicle. South Carolina requires that whenever a bicycle lane has been provided adjacent to a roadway, operators of: South Carolina's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to motor vehicles and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. Ann. In addition, a governing body of a municipality may restrain or prohibit the firing of firecrackers or guns, the use of a bicycle or similar conveyance, the use of a firework or similar material, or any other amusement or practice tending to annoy persons passing on a street or sidewalk. South Dakota requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway except under any of the following circumstances: South Dakota allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Source: S.D. 32:300.5; 32:300.6; 32:300.7. Maryland defines a "vulnerable individual" as: According to Maryland law, an individual may not cause the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable individual as a result of the individual operating a motor vehicle in violation of traffic laws. Delaware Bicycle Council Bike Law resources: Compilation of Bicycle Laws from Delaware Code: Distracted driving, meaning inattentive driving while operating a motor vehicle that results in the unsafe operation of the vehicle is prohibited where such inattention is caused by: Interacting with pets or unsecured cargo, Using personal communications technologies, or. In Rhode Island bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle under Chapters 12 through 27 of Title 31 of the Rhode Island Statutes, except for special regulations specific to bicycles and those provisions that by their nature can have no application. The North Carolina Department of Transportation in its "Guide to North Carolina Bicycle and Pedestrian Laws" currently advises that this law does not apply to bicyclists. A person lawfully operating a bicycle on a sidewalk, or on a crosswalk, shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. Oklahoma has no helmet law. Vermont requires that a person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall exercise due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction and generally shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, but shall ride to the left or in a left lane when: Vermont does not have a statute that specifically authorizes or prohibits the operation of a bicycle upon a sidewalk. A bicycle may be ridden far enough to the left to avoid potential conflicts with right turning vehicles; (e)It is necessary to avoid ahazard. South Dakota requires that no person open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic. However, there are state laws that allow certain local authorities those regulatory powers. In Rhode Island, bicycles are defined as vehicles. Washington currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Source: Wash. Rev. Iowa provides that its state traffic laws shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from regulating the operation of bicycles and requiring the registration and licensing of the same, including the requirement of a registration fee. However, the regulations shall not conflict with relevant state laws regarding the operation of bicycles. Source: Mass. In West Virginia, bicycles are not defined as vehicles. Source: Va. Code Ann. When the driver is passing a person operating a bicycle on the person's right side and the person operating the bicycle is turning left. Source: Me. In addition, no person shall leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. In Illinois bicycles are not vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles, but a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of the driver of a vehicle as provided in the Illinois Vehicle Code, except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Missouri Department of Transportation Compilation of laws: St. Joseph Area Transportation Study Organization Bicycle pamphlet: Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation Legal resources: Intentionally interfere with the movement of a person who is lawfully riding a bicycle; or. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute, which you can find here. Montana does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. All Rights Reserved. Source: Me. Indiana does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. Oregon allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Source: Or. Texas provides that its state traffic laws shall not prevent a local authority, with respect to a highway under its jurisdiction and in the reasonable exercise of the police power, from the operation and requiring registration and licensing of a bicycle or electric bicycle, including payment of a registration fee. Source: Office of the State Traffic Administration (OSTA) 14-298-238. Source: R.I. Gen. Laws 31-1-3(ee); 31-19-3. California does not provide any modifications to the requirement to come to a complete stop when directed to stop by traffic control devices and does not authorize bicyclists to disobey traffic lights that fail to detect bicyclists. Tennessee requires that any person under the age of 16 riding a bicycle, as an operator or passenger, must wear a protective bicycle helmet. However, as a 2014e-bike law primernotes, this federal law only applies to the e-bikes product standards and safety. Code Ann. In addition, no person may leave a door open on any side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for any period longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. Has 1.5 brake horsepower or less. Failure to wear a protective helmet shall not limit or apportion damages. 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motorized bicycle laws by state