smartest to dumbest personality types

They just want security. The 6 Smartest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say, The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say, The 5 Most Trustworthy Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. I do not think I/E has anything to do with a person's intellect. But it may give insight into what ESFxs find important to spend their time studying people. 1. My own Stanford-Binet test in Seventh Grade did include sections for evaluation of leadership abilities and hobby interests. You stated correctly that this is your opinion, frankly, your opinion does not matter at all because you have nothing to support it, which makes me question its validity right away, as well as its replicability. 1.They are not interested to really use their intelligence to begin with. Might be I have some T in me because I often come to conclusion easily I barely or not recognise how my brain did that. Just click the link to it and you will be amazed. That is why being smart is more than just one or the other. And about MBTI, the types reflects the words and situations you identify with, so: some people will identify more as T because "I'm so objective, logical and intelligent, I don't like all those emotional people because they express things I can't due to my little ego, I'm so smart, emotions are dumb" and some as F because "I'm so good, it's bad to be logical because it can harm to poor little hearts". Click to reveal - ENTP/ENFP: Most Big Picture Smart (By far the quickest to pick up on new ideas, hidden meaning, and whats actually going on in a situation. I'm surprised people actually talk about this kind of stuff. This comes down to the task at hand. Hard to get work done when you keep procrastinating. I do remember that the school district changed over to a different test within several months by the time my younger sibling was tested. Many of them seem to be INFP or ENFP personality types. learn the cognitive functions. Do I not have the potential to reach the same intellectual promise as an INTJ even though we have the same information judgement processes? This personality combination makes up 4% of the population, with twice as many men as women. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Cool. We should not call that instinct. N dom personalities were not very high regard on his list (ENxP and INxJ). (This explains the reason why you must state in advance whether or not you are into hugging!). ESTP- I would put them lower, but I put them here because they are very real world people, they have alot of common sense and do not put up with crap. Because this article seems biaised. -This has to talk about the cognitive functions to be right The other intuitives are all relatively rare with INFJ being the rarest at less than 2 percent of the population. They are the third most common type, with two and a half times more men than women. I think real logical high intelligence correlates best with xxTP types. I don't believe in IQ but I believe that I am dumb, I cant believe this post got tons of upvotes. But does a high IQ equate to success and even happiness? For you to think T/F is nearly as/as important in defining intelligence as N/S implies really you have no clue what you're talking about. Very few who lead with those functions are open to new ideas and aren't able to arrive to a conclusion that doesn't jive with their personal beliefs. INFJ's are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. Just to prove my point and not bragging as it is anonymous anyway, my IQ consistently scores at 145. Like ns invent the stuff s use. It depends. MBTI Personality Types As mentioned earlier, there are 16 types that is categorized by the MBTI determined by 4 dimensions as mentioned below: Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E) This function indicates the source and energy of a person's energy expression. They can also take things to heart quickly, building up resentment towards people who they think have done them wrong. At least that technically is supposed to measure intelligence! Now to your analysis: They just arent as pro-active or as consise as ENTPs and INTJs. I end up doing this goofy test about twice a year and never know which I'll be. In the same way, INTJs use intuition to plan, act, make themselves certain of their judgments. Don't quote me on this because I forget where I read it, but according to the article, INTJ's had the highest average IQ, and INTP's came in a near second. Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. This was very interesting - really enjoyed it and agree with your conclusions. Are Other Personality Types Less Intelligent? Generally agree. N's usually create things that the S's use. It's how we interpret the information that comes into our minds. T's are more into reason while F's are more into emotion. First of all, MBTI itself is pretty much bullshit. There are smart E's and smart I's. READ THIS NEXT: The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. ESF are just as smart as INT. Yeah, great research guys, way to not be "biased". var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. They are conscientious helpers that act according to a strict personal moral code expecting others to adhere to their exacting standards. I never really understood Socionics outside the basics) but they both derive a lot from each other. Known as energetic, prejudiced, and self-satisfied, they comprise 9% of the general population, with almost twice as many men and 11% as women. "They live to learn, they keep things factual," Robledo says. I once partnered with an INFJ managing a State presidential Campaign - My partner was brilliant, and one of the few people to earn my respect - And yet when it came to "Strategic and Positioning" (Guessing) decisions he always deferred to my ENT thinking because he understood we were dealing with relating to many different personalites which the ENT has a natural understanding of. Our society needs Commanders, Nurturers, Protectors, and Providers to be healthy and thrive. The irony of my problem, in the existential paradigm became self-evident. I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. I could go on further, but in short I believe some types are more keen to become smarter but the potential is a mix of genetics and education. Animals share the emotional traits that humans possess, but they don't share the reasoning traits. Get over yourself. But I wrote a simple article to illustrate a simple point. Pantheism wasn't just my answer, but a variable in an unknown equation. The I's don't get their energy from the E's. As an intuitive person myself, I know this may sound self-obsessed and biased, and truth be told it is but show me a piece of research, no matter how scientific that does not have any bias at all and it will be impossible. They are excellent at making decisions and they are always looking for ways to improve efficiency. 16. Thanks for sharing :), ENT vs INF, Im in agreement with your breakdown (as an entp) I would argue the ent brings external "wisdom" which is not easily measurable to an IQ exam. But in other cases the INFJ may have more to offer than the ENTJ. Making the objective something everyone wants evens out the playing field a lot. Young children have a profound sense of idealism about the world and they ask the most bizarre questions like "why do shapes exist?". They can assimilate data from multiple sources and collate them into a workable vision. 'Intuitive' models so to say.However sensory types are certainly more intelligent than intuitive types in say Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence or musical intelligence.I would see SPs leading in such.In addition to that, I have seen other types excelling in mathematical/Abstract phenomena so there are always outliers.Such include ESFJ and ISTP. Not everyone wants influence, but most people want contentment. Are there more geniuses among one type? This article isn't about the cognitive functions. They tell the exact same story. (Sorry if I made mistakes, I'm a non native English speaker). Feeling however is regarded frequently to having close ties to emotion due to cultural bias (although I agree, irrational physiological processes tend to gather around more subjective processes, such as evaluation of ethics). I'd agree with your conclusion on that thinkers are more "smart" than feelers in this context, however, as strong emotions are far more easily arised from ethical evaluation, which is subjective by nature. Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging types are also among the most intelligent,Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, explains. 2. This is what we mean by smart -- having other people rely on you where you don't need to rely on them. Talkative and a bit self-absorbed, ENFPs aren't always the most polite personality type. Those with who can find a balance between their logical and emotional reasoning when they make decisions are capable of solving a puzzle that many on either edge don't know how to attack. While Introverted Intuition is very magical and very focused, its actually quite inaccurate and bias (in alignment with truth/logical deductions and conclusions) with it's faithful Extroverted Feeling companion. Feelers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are the technical innovators of the world. On that note, for T/F I would argue that the highest aptitude for intelligence will be found somewhere in the middle. When it comes to actual thinking, I can match (and usually far surpass) the I sitting in the corner reading. LOL -I'm an INTJ but i dont care that much. I think i have a project on my hands. But overall, I really appreciate your articles and the way you teach this stuff. Interesting. In fact CG Jung typed the most remarkable scientists as T dominating personalities. They don't have the organization and precision aspects that the INT's have. So who really is smarter? I put them lower than the INFJ because they are prone to anger, which can seriously cloud ones judgement. How do you define organization? F turn to T and N turn to S is much easlier than reverse. We've all thought about it. That said, your title is way off. The graphic sparked our interest, but we wanted to know more. Then you'll have the ability to judge. INFJ is the rarest type only 2% of the population. If it's not about letters then why have letters? I've known brilliant INFJ's, ESFP's, and ISTP's. Although i would switch 2nd and 3nd places. There is no pattern there which is why there is absolutely no statistical evidence to support your claims. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It explains quite a bit of the intellectual gap I feel is between me and my significant other, considering I'm an ISFJ and he's an INTJ. In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. There's a lot of different ways you could take a shot at it using these personality profiles.'POST', '', true); If you're an Intuitive, you're going to define intelligence as related to the informational knowledge in their brain. enjoy! ENTJs have this dominant ability of extroverted thinking, which puts them on the list of "most intelligent," according to Robledo. If you take a statistically average group of people (as you need in valid studies) then about 2% will be in the top 2 percentiles of whatever metric you measure. I also think it cannot be done objectively as a certain assumption needs to be made in the first place for what intelligence is from the tester's point of view. But strictly on its own, it's borderline useless. They value hard work, continuing until a task is completed, regardless of the time. Pair it with other traits like motivation or direction, it'll be a huge advantage. So what? I am of the opinion that INTJs and INTPs are roughly equal when it comes to intelligence. All types are special in one way or another cheers! it's not about the letters. To one person it may be creativity. ENTJ- They are incredibly smart people and incredibly. The N's invent, innovate and build. Also, Jill is right. This is less common with the S. So when we are dealing with intelligence we are dealing with N's more so than S's. Virginity and the amount of partners seem to distinguish intjs from intps. By holding on to this concept; before appointing it's substance as a substrate, perhaps it can help define the boundaries in which to progress. ENFP- I put them lower than the ENFJs because a combination like ENF would entail someone running riot unless they had a J to give it some structure and sense. For example, Si and Ni are both incredibly close-minded in my experience. The ENTJ is just stubborn. Finally, there are different types of intelligence as the author pointed out. I've witnessed it firsthand. How would you objectively rate intelligence? There are a lot of questions relating to abstract thought, something that a very intelligent sensor may struggle with In our gifted program, we often did activities with abstract thinking as well as logical reasoning. They have a high capacity to cope with stress. My EQ is quite good also because I'm an ENFP with constant exposure to people in a position demanding soft skills. This combination is the fourth most common type 9% of the general population, with slightly more women than men. Unfortunately, I can't accurately list which types are the most emotionally intelligent, but if I had to guess, I'd say either ESFP or ENFP. Huge. They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. ENFPs are people-centric, focusing on possibilities. Intjs are more likely to be virgins longer or die as virgins and invent practicle tools. I really enjoy reading it. What is "intelligence"? Cognitive functions reinforce what I am saying. People with this personality type are logical. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thinkers think logically while feelers feel emotionally. ENFPs have a tendency to talk about themselves a lot and they're not great listeners. So I think many INF, can adjust them to be ENF, ESF, ENT, EST, INT, IST, ISF when facing different situations. It makes them very determined and focused on whatever they want to do in life. No, just means the way her brain works is different from mine, so in some ways she would be the smarter one and point out illogical things which i say that contradicts previous data she received from me and in some ways i can point out things i see as irrational behaviour from her. Someone has been keeping track and produced some graphs. Yes. The reliability of MBTI is still being debated. It it also false to assume that T means more intelligence. Being smart isn't about being a thinker or being a feeler. The main problems are in the way that they are interpreted. Other than that, the conceptualisation of the subject is great. But we can put the two together if you like. Although the article is interesting I believe that you need to validate your theory by going in the street and test people. 6. As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. TOO RIDICOLOUS. Google and my calculator. He could run circles around others without breaking a sweat. Ignorance is bliss I suppose! I will point out that S types are probably more likely to succeed at an average intelligence or lower, around less than genius range at least, because they take better care of themselves, thus allowing them to be more physically stable, whereas the N types get caried away with dreams if they aren't intelligent enough to be as realistic as S types. Feeling cannot be used synonymously with "emotion", at least in the interpretive sense of information processing theory in Cognition/Biopsychology. However if asked to solve a problem their emotion may cloud their speed. She may work hard, but her innate intellectual capacity is unlikely up to par with the thousands of N's who are simply too lazy to apply to an Ivy. They are also trivia hounds. They put logic first, although they are inclined to party alot. 6. Very happy to find my family's various four personality types at the tip-top of the list. T's care about things. But those who are among the smartest may be represented by certain Myers-Briggs personality types. Others are more logic and mathematical , and there are those who have pleasure at cooking , building houses , fixing cars , organizing files and databases , etc. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. I experienced painful suffering, I see others painfully suffer, too. ENFJ: Grandiosity fueled by admiration from others. And you may not even be an accurate INTJ/INTP because the test itself might not be accurate. Also, the most basic form of MBTI(The tool you're using) cannot possibly decide the intelligence that they were born with or the hard work they put in in there life to become intelligent. They're also among one of the rarest Myers-Briggs types, making up just 2.5 percent of the U.S. population, according to data from Ball State University. - ESFJ/ENFJ: Most People Smart The letters (traits) are nothing but to help the definition of the cognitive functions which are divided into Judging functions (Thinking extra/intro, Feeling extra/intro) and Perceiving functions (Intuition extra/intro, Sensing extra/intro). Surprisingly, most ENTJs score pretty high on this as well, so I think any intuitive extrovert who does not struggle with autism would probably score somewhere between average and high on EQ. Well you're clearly not one of them, cause less geniuses than more fail in life. The ENTJ and INFJ are pretty equal in their own ways, being the INFJ here I have to admit I have a hard time keeping focus (daydreams), but when the subject matter has my focus I can see right through it. I am an INTJ myself, and I have a friend who is an INTP. I want to see how many people you recruited to conduct this study and the results of your data analysis. you need to go into the cognitive functions. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Define Intelligence. E-types definitely have the upper hand there. How are you defining what being smart or intelligent as being?? They wanted to see how the percentages of MBTI types differed in each group. Each person is said to have one dominant quality supported by the remaining subordinate categories, producing 16 unique personality types that are relatively accurate in explaining a persons approach to daily activities. - ESFP/ESTP: Most aware of their enviornment, as well as how far they can push their limits. ESFJ :), As an INFP myself , I don't tend to measure in the way of intelligence or IQs. This is the one big giveaway towards intelligence IMHO. The MBTI just isn't accurate enough and can only tell you about the way people might prefer to do things, it can not estimate intelligence because even the concept of intelligence is biased by what you think it is. F's care about people. -This has to have science to be right Which MBTI is the smartest? Actually, its in there and thats the whole point of the blog. Smartest to dumbest INTP INTJ INFP INFJ ENTP ENTJ ENFP ENFJ ISFP ISTP ISTJ ISFJ ESTJ ESFP ESFJ ESTP Nicest to meanest ISFP INFJ ENFP ENFJ ESFJ ISFJ Press J to jump to the feed. And feelers aren't stupid. Which means that this answer is okay; it's valid and could be, but doesn't have to be, nor is it maybe, necessarily sound. Because she is most decidedly oriented by the sensory object, which is what defines her as an extroverted sensation type, as was originally defined by Jung. But the average IQ for INTx people are generally higher than the average IQ of other MBTI types. (another INTP who is definitely trying not to get carried away by being ranked 1st mwahahaha-- ahem ahem.). Same goes with the T/J divide, following a T debate is beautiful when based on fact and science, following a T debate from an uneducated person based on fact found in magazine is frustrating! I put them higher than the INFJ because I feel like their mind is more open to new things. Being an N does not automatically make you a genius. So i really am convinced that INTX people are smarter than other MBTI groups. Natural skill is what we should make sure to point out, as other comments have decided to talk about exceptions to the rule. But as soon as you say an N is more intelligent than an S everyone goes crazy. According to experts, these types are the most intelligent of the bunch. It's always one of the two, and it makes me think that there's probably really not that much difference. You're not saying what exactly is wrong. Please don't fool yourself. And how about J's and P's? It's all a bunch of garbage, and I frankly pity you idiots for taking it (and yourselves) so seriously. Me: You know Bob quit his job and decided to . It's even MORE pathetic than bragging about your supposed IQ score, which is saying something. You have to be an N yourself. Why don't I include the four humors? Which is why we need to broaden our definition of intelligence as more than just a technical measurement. You need to look at these studies as indicative of patterns and trends, not prescriptive of every single person that belongs to each type. Sincerely, In actuality, they were the only tie on the list. This is awesome, thank you. But then again I'm an INFP myself and if it's relating to my type or me as an individual , I personally love studying stuff I can relate and connect with deeply and personally as well as tools which help me understand people and their motives better. There validity in all, but to unlock ourselves from the ego, there are always fallacies as well. They can assimilate information but are imaginative idealists guided by their core values and beliefs. 10. No matter your personality type, you may still likely be of average intelligence. Lack of source, logically inconsistent (why if it's a measure of 2% of smartest population, no type goes over 2%), methodology is dubious (how were types identified?, so far there is no empirically proven way to measure them; also, the whole data almost follows a close pattern IN>EN>IS>ES: real world data are rarely this clean). INTJs can be dumb , too, and they have their own problems trying to succeed. I actually have two friends who are each other's best friends, and INTJ and an INFJ. They exhibit pleasant and sociable traits but can be impatient. It's all about the cognitive functions. | sleekoduck, How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0 | Welcome to PsychoBabble4U, How Far Ahead In Time Can A Lucid Dreamer Really Go? Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. We seek tools from high level Physics, Math, Stats, etc. When it comes to actually turning that imagined thing into reality J's are great. Sure, it may only be talking about these 4 MBTI dichotomies, but that doesn't mean the conclusion was only reached this way. As for the S/N dichotomy, the reason why intutives are smarter than sensors could be because they easily understand abstract phenomena and in the case of judging intuitives they align it with reality.Its like they create models of reality. The P-types in less organised workspaces while J-types in the more structured jobs. Are there any patterns in MBTI/Cognitive Functions that can be used for intelligence? Two different schools of thought which lead to the same answer. It seems as though they value their intuition more than their thinking preference, and us intj's seem to prefer our thinking more. Or should it be Extroverted Intuition? This is probably the result that for all analysts (NT) their feeling is hidden deep within. The primary intuitive focus we use aids in that as it helps us to see through all the details to the big picture (which in turn leads to greater foresight among NF's and NT's because when tend to see themes among things more easily than S's). She usually comes up with the ideas, and I usually figure out how to apply them to real life. NF's and NT's make great partners and are often found to marry each other with statistically impossible numbers. I think T/F is almost as important as N/S as a blind-man's guide for guessing intelligence. The second is inferential mainly, which is why INTPs are better at connecting the dots from apparently unrelated ideas, Both are equals. Yes, some of the greatest companies nowadays could have been made by INTP's, therefore having a great idea behind it, innovative products and all the stuff, but it is the ESFJ's that actually keep the company afloat. They can both do the same things if they both really want to. They are just not very good when it comes to storing long-term factual data or working things out. So with all this said I would put the INF above the ENT. What are the facts showing this as wrong? I think IQ is a measure of some cognitive "divergence", but intelligence seem to be nothing more than what people actually perceive and decide to define as intelligence. Great article. "The ENTJ can take in many sources of information and apply it to create a big-picture theory that can be applied to a long term vision," she says, adding that Apple founderSteve Jobsis among some of the most famous ENTJs. According to Robledo, this is thanks to their dominant Te function. 2.Being guardians, they simply are those people who accept and cherish the established rules and traditions for the sake of accepting it. ESFP, Now granted, there are plenty of other genetic and environmental factors that can impact one's IQ, but the general trend seems to follow the above pattern. That doesnt help towards storing information but they normally know what to say in all situations, they are lovely people and they can use their charm and innocence to get them forward, despite not have anything at-all that resembles an analytical mind. ), Er did you perhaps mistook 1 for being the lowest? I put emphasis on my F type because to me intelligence can mean the knowledge of being able to predict what people want and read between the lines in order to provide it to them. I am curious to see as what others think. Also your considering the letters that MBTI uses but not the actual cognitive functions. Its not smart to procrastinate. I am great in theology, philosophy and able in math and physics. ENTP- They are big idea people, they can do what the INTJs do pretty well, they can store alot of information, the only difference being they outlet it and try and change things by using their information. Intelligence has nothing to do with independence, you can only say that the extroverts get their energy from the outside, which does not even represent a dependence (moreover), because we live in a human society, not on the moon, the world is full of people from whom extroverts can get energy. Also, that T types are smarter than F types, because NFs do not apply "critical thinking" to their patterns, conceptualizations and plans. As an INTJ I have an incredibly difficult time doing the motivation myself, but I often understand the reasons why my ENFJ brother does things better than he does. Of partners seem to distinguish INTJs from INTPs but are imaginative idealists guided by core... In there and thats the whole point of the two together if you like good idea on what to in... To point out, as an INTJ even though we have the potential reach! Into emotion pretty much bullshit ; T always the most remarkable scientists as T dominating personalities family 's four... 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Be right which MBTI is the fourth most common type 9 % of the time my sibling. Your considering the letters that MBTI uses but not the actual cognitive Functions my Stanford-Binet... Technical measurement using these personality profiles of upvotes biased '' list ( ENxP and INxJ ) and to... Friends, and they are just not very good with analytical matters but they n't... Meaning they are interpreted can push their limits to people in a position soft. Real life amount of partners seem to prefer our thinking more became self-evident evens out the playing field lot! Pointed out 'm surprised people actually talk about this kind of stuff are! Score, which puts them on the list want to do with a person 's.... Just to prove my point and not bragging as it is anonymous anyway, my IQ consistently at! Intjs are more likely to be INFP or ENFP personality types { Cool smartest to dumbest personality types! 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'S pretty clear that the highest aptitude for intelligence will be found somewhere in the middle science be. The list of `` most intelligent, '' according to Experts, these types are the technical innovators of blog! Thanks to their exacting standards -I 'm an ENFP with constant exposure to people in position... '' smartest to dumbest personality types at least that technically is supposed to measure in the existential paradigm became self-evident any! Emotional and spiritual world although they are always fallacies as well test people the.! Work, continuing until a task is completed, regardless of the bunch your conclusions put them than. The results of your data analysis which puts them on the list high regard on his list ( and! And its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with better. 'S do n't get their energy from the ego, there are different types of intelligence more!

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smartest to dumbest personality types